Thursday, June 14, 2007

How to invest $40,000 now

Dear Mr Tan,

My wife and I have about $40K (in fixed deposit). We are less than 30 years old.

We are keen to put this money into good investment, as the payout from fixed deposit is really too low. We are not well versed with shares. We like to invest in the financial products from NTUC Income.

Can you advise how best we can invest this 40K?



I will ask an insurance adviser to give you some information on how you can invest in the combined fund (growth or balanced) of NTUC Income. I suggest that you invest the lump sum in installments over the next 5 months, to get the effect of averaging of the cost of your investment.

If you are investing for the next 10 to 20 years, it is all right to invest in the combined fund.

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