Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Structured products and life annuity


Mr. Tan,I agree with most of your write-ups except for your view on structured products and annuity.

First, I think you are not conversant with structured products.They are very low risk if you understand them and you can say they offer free lunch.(good return at almost no risk)

Secondly, CPF offers the best annuity . It has good payout and has options to let you choose the duration and amount of payout. If you want to recieve until 100 years old it can be designed as such.

Today Insurers'annuities are not comparable except maybe variable annuity.
As a whole it is commendable of you to educate the public.You are indeed providing a social service. Thank you , Mr. Tan.



Most of the structured products which are capital guaranteed give a poor return. For example, the Swing Fund that recently matured gave a return of 2% in total for 5 years. During this period, the stockmarket went up by more than 50%.

If you want no risk, invest in a government bond. You can get nearly 15% for 5 years. This is much better than the structured products which give less than 5% (after deducting the charges).

Leaving your money in CPF to earn 4% per annum is a good idea. It is also a good idea to invest in a participating annuity plan from NTUC Income. You should see an insurance adviser to learn about the difference. You can make a better decision.

Read the FAQ.

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