Sunday, July 29, 2007


Wireless@SG is a wonderful initiative by the Infocomm Development Authority. It aims to provide wireless connection to personal computers from many hotspots around Singapore. This is provided free to users for the first 2 or 3 years.

However, this initiative faced the following problems:

* many hotels and commercial buildings refused to participate in this intiative
* they want to charge a high rate for access to their hotspots
* the login can be quite complicated as different protocols are adopted by different service providers and hotspots.

I hope that IDA will review this project and find a better way to achieve the original goal.

I suggest a premium service be provided as follows:

* users can pay for their usage
* the rate should be a modest rate (and not a high rate)
* a standard login should be provided (regardless of the hotspot)

Another alternative is to sign to the wireless broadband provided by M1.

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