Sunday, October 28, 2007

Vitamin Account

I found the following information on the Vitamin account from the bank's website:

With the Vitamin Account, you'll enjoy:
4% quick payout after 3 months
Annual potential payouts
Unique Immune-15 Effect to potentially improve your immunity against market risk

Vitamin Account is a 6-year equity-linked structured deposit. The Bank will return you 100% of your principal amount if you maintain Vitamin Account till maturity or upon early redemption by the Bank.

Meanwhile, you should ensure that you have sufficient liquid assets during the 6-year investment period. Early withdrawal by you may result in you receiving substantially less than the principal amount invested.

From Year 2 onwards, when the potential payout rate for the year is 3% or more, the Bank will redeem your investment early. You will receive 5% bonus payout and your full principal amount. There will be no other potential payout.

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