Sunday, October 28, 2007

What is 1 million dollars?

Remember Buangkok station? The operator did not wish to open the station during the intial period, as there were not sufficient commuters. They estimated that it would cost $1 million a year to operate the station. Residents living around the station were furious to see the station closed. They put up a "white elephant" sign.

Is $1 million a lot of money? It is a lot of money, if we measure the time taken for a working person to earn this sum. It is quite little, for many people who paid several million dollars to buy an expensive apartment in town.

I recall this joke.

Someone asked, "God, what is one million years to you". God replied, "To me, it is like one second".

He asked again, "God, what is one trillion dollars to you?" God replied, "To me, it is like one cent".

He though of a great idea. He asked again, "God, can you send just one cent to me?".

There was a slight pause. Then, God replied, "Of course. In a second!".


  1. If God can send me one cent every second, I will get $315,000 a year. Not bad.

    Not as much as a Minister or CEO, but much better than an ordinary worker.

  2. Haha. You din get the joke.

    God will only gives him that 1 trillion dollar in 1 million yrs time.
