Thursday, January 03, 2008

Hot spring in Wulai

I visited the village of Wulai yesterday. I spent 2 hours at a hot spring there. It is refreshing to visit a hot spring during winter. Many of the local people visit the hotspring to relax and be refreshed.

There are separate pools for males and females. You are not allowed to wear any clothing into the pool, not even a swimsuit. You have to wash your body, before entering the pool. This is to ensure cleanliness and hygiene.

The hot spring uses the mineral water from a nearby volcano. It has certain minerals that are good for the body.

If you are shy, you can rent a private pool for 1 or 2 people.

The normal charge for the public pools is NT 500 (SGD 25) per entry. Many places offer a promotional price of NT 250 (SGD 12).

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