Thursday, January 03, 2008

Travel tips for Taiwan

Hi Mr. Tan,

I will be going to Taiwan in May 2008 for around ten days. I plan to go Taipei and one more other area. Any places that you would strongly recommend?


Perhaps you can visit the places that I mentioned in my blog? You should also try the hot springs, which is popular with the local people.

If you are travelling free and easy, you should try the train system. I was given a guide book of the attractions in each town served by a train station. You should also search the Internet, which has a wealth of information.

I hope that you are travelling with some friends. It is more fun when you have people to travel with.

1 comment:

  1. Besides the places mentioned by Mr Tan, you can also visit Tamshui (or Danshui) Old Street whilst in Taipei. It is quite interesting.

    It is the last stop of the Danshui MRT Line and the station is also called Danshui.
