Thursday, February 07, 2008

Joke - Make a Will

A young doctor and a young lawyer have just set up in private practice. They met in the street one day and the doctor said, "Great news! I have just got my first patient."

"Congratulations", said the lawyer. "When you've got him to the point that he wants to make a will, let me know and I will go and see him. "


  1. The joke? The lawyer expect the doctor to mess up the patient, to the point of near death.

  2. This is not a joke but something that is in the offing. The lawyers and the financial planners are coming together to help the policyholders and investors to nail the errant and incompetent insurance agents and advisers.
    Their services among other things is to help review policyholders' insurance policies and to see if there had been any malpractice, mis-selling, mis representation, dishonesty that warrant instituting legal suits against insurance agents. This service should be popular because today people are more conscious and educated and know their rights and for a small fee for peace of mind.
    This should send a strong, very strong signal to the errant and incompetent insurance salesmen and women that their anyhow selling will come to an end and it is pay back time for what they have "legally" stolen from the policyholders.
