Thursday, February 07, 2008

Motor insurance claim

Dear Mr. Tan,
I met with an accident yesterday. It was a small accident. Should I make an insurance claim or try to settle it privately?

Read this FAQ:

1 comment:

  1. It is most distressful if one met a dishonest driver who will report otherwise in event of an accident.

    This cause lots of problems both to the innocent party and the insurers.

    Some drivers are able turn report from black to white and insurers find it do difficult to handle that they have to handle deem fit and some time it turn out to be unfair to agrieved party because of the great liar.

    One of the worst kind is taxi driver, and of course many others who are liars.

    If more people report with integrity, it will cause less problem.

    Imagine my brother who was hit by a taxi, and in the report, the taxi driver reported that my brother hit his taxi. Such driver nearly killed a man, has the cheek to report as such. But based on circumstantial evidence, the taxi driver was found guilty. Imagine that.

    One has to report with integrity.

    Imagine some minor accident can be so stressful at times.

    I always tell my clients, bear with some unfairness and not get too worked up and let the insurer handle.

    - Thomas Phua
