Thursday, March 06, 2008

How to invest in this environment?

Interest rate from bank deposit and Government bonds are at a low level.

The investment choices are:

1. Keep the money in the bank and accept a return of 0.5%
2. Invest in the stockmarket for the long term, and accept the volatility.

Do not invest in a high cost financial product (such as a structured product or an investment-linked policy) as the charges will reduce your yield further.

Read this FAQ about charges:


  1. Hi Mr. Tan

    your readers might wish to know about an account provided by NTUC and OCBC.

    There's no minimum deposits, yet it pays 1% interest annually.

  2. Look to me my DBS structure deposit is yielding better than FD interest with the drop in interest rate now as it is pegged to SOR.

    I wonder if DBS will exercise the call option and close the Structure Deposit.

  3. Hi KL, sorry but both your choices are bad. This is not a normal recession. We could very well be witnessing the collapse of the American empire and the USD.

    Invest in physical Gold/Silver.

    Check out and
