Thursday, March 06, 2008

Yields on Singapore Government bonds

Here are the yields of government bonds, obtained from

The yield is about 1% for durations up to 3 yrs, 1.5% for duration of around 5 years, 2.5% for 10 years and 3% for 15 years and longer.

The yields are low.

Bond Name Year IYld
NX98100H; Coupon 5.625%; Maturity 01/07/2008 0.32 1.47
NX99100S; Coupon 4.375%; Maturity 15/01/2009 0.86 0.93
N504100Z; Coupon 2.375%; Maturity 01/10/2009 1.56 1.04
N505100F; Coupon 2.625%; Maturity 01/04/2010 2.07 1.28
NX00100T; Coupon 4.625%; Maturity 01/07/2010 2.32 1.07
NX01100H; Coupon 3.625%; Maturity 01/07/2011 3.32 1.16
NX02100S; Coupon 3.500%; Maturity 01/07/2012 4.32 1.46
NX03100Z; Coupon 2.250%; Maturity 01/07/2013 5.32 1.68
NX04100F; Coupon 3.625%; Maturity 01/07/2014 6.32 1.89
NY01100F; Coupon 3.750%; Maturity 01/09/2016 8.48 2.31
NY03100A; Coupon 4.000%; Maturity 01/09/2018 10.48 2.50
NY05100N; Coupon 3.250%; Maturity 01/09/2020 12.48 2.79
NY07100X; Coupon 3.125%; Maturity 01/09/2022 14.48 3.01
NZ07100S; Coupon 3.500%; Maturity 01/03/2027 18.99 3.25

YrTM: Years to maturity
IYld: indicative yield based on offer price


  1. Mr Tan, I checked the yields of T-bills on the Phillips POEMS website. There are T-bills available granting yields of slightly more than 1%, with tenor of 80 days or so. That can be an option too.

  2. Hi Mr Tan,

    I had visited FSM and the indicative return for NX99100S is @ 1.43%pa. and the maturity is in 3.3mth time.

    NX99100S; Coupon 4.375%; Maturity 15/01/2009

    My question is if i buy this bond now,

    1) is there any potential risk?
    2) will I be able to get that ~1.4%pa return when it turn 15Jan2009?
