Sunday, April 13, 2008

Goalkeeper to the blog

I have to act as goal-keeper to this blog.

There were regular comments from a few people attacking the following:
a) insurance agents in general
b) new products introduced by NTUC Income
c) the current management

I have to block many comments that fall into the following:
a) personal attacks
b) defamatory, e.g. accusing people of cheating, incompetence
c) vulgar, rude

I allow some comments to go through, if they appear to be fair, objective or substantiated.

To make my work easier, I suggest that you should send your e-mail to me giving the facts. I will post them, without disclosing your identity.


  1. That's the reason why so many readers don't bother to post comments anymore. Because there are too many anti-agents here and because of their hatred, they refuse to listen or accept any other comments.

  2. You got it wrong. in fact there are many more visitors lately as reported by Mr. Tan. The readership has gone up. Maybe you have not been posting. I wonder you are an agent who is fishing for clients here or you are not confident of your views. How can you say criticism is hatred? It is competition of views and it is healthy . The readers get diverse views and not the sellers' view which is often skewed and biased.Eventually the truth shall prevail.

  3. I thought when there is controversies that there will be more lively discussion? Your logic seem to suggest that when everyone agrees, then more will post comments? Illogical isn't it?

  4. 3.50pm. you don't make sense. Discussions and more discussions that is what makes this blog lively and inforamtive. Not posting something agents like to hear only but what agents can learn too

  5. All of you proved my point. Immediately after I post my first comment so many others rush in to argue and defend. And based on the comments, everybody can see that all them love to criticise agents.

    My point is this. Stop anything about criticizing agents. Start discussions on how to invest, insure and save properly. That's the whole point of this blog. Comments should be positive and educational, not always criticize and criticize and criticize...

  6. 4.20 pm What is your point? Your earlier post is illogical. I rushed in to point out your lack of logic. I did not criticise agents? Are you one? I don't care! The point here is that when there is controversy, there is increased activity, contrary to what you said earlier. Period.

  7. The person who handles the investment, the insurance and saving is VERY important for the outcome depends on him or her. If he or she is dishonest or unethical or manipulative , good investment or insurance will become sour and bad.Don't you think the person behind is important?.

  8. There is nothing to defend. You behave more defensive than us. What is wrong with constructive criticism?
    Correcting a misconception is not negative.If you think it is you should counter and correct instead of leaving it to become truth later on.
    The readers can have both sides of the coin.

  9. One tree doesn't make a wood, 4.20pm.
    You seem more enthusiastic to invite controversy by whining than to defend your stance. Comments should be contributive and informative and need not be positive or negative.
