Sunday, April 13, 2008

Opportunities for growth and promotion

I am now a consultant to a relatively new life insurance company. This company sell life and health insurance directly to customers and corporte clients, using the internet, call center and worksite marketing. It will sell low cost investment funds later this year.

The company is interested to look for managers and executives for its sales and marketing team. We will use an innovative new marketing approach - create awareness, educate the customers and advice them on the suitable, good value products.

We are particularly interested in people who:

a) enjoy dealing with customers
b) like to try a innovative way of marketing
c) have a certificate or diploma in life and health insurance
d) enjoy success and achievement

The positions offer attractive salary and incentives, and good opportunity for growth and promotion.

If you are interested to learn more about this opportunity, send a brief resume by e-mail to

Please pass the word around to your friends, who may be interested to make a change of career.


  1. Mr Tan, I'm really looking forward to this business.

    Will you consider in the future recruiting people part time? I was just thinking, there are many people with good day jobs, but are also very interested in interacting with people about personal finance. Just look at the many forums.

    The whole idea is, if the strong interest is there in promoting low cost funds and uncomplicated insurance, but for many reasons these people don't want to give up their day jobs, they may go in part time?

    Just a suggestion. :)

  2. I want to give up my policies with NTUC Income, having suffered their poor service since your departure. But I want to ensure I buy new policies from your company first. Is your company now ready to sell these policies and how do I go about buying them.


  3. The company needs full time people at the initial stage.

    It will also recruit part time people working from their homes.

    If you wish to work part-time, you can also send your resume to

    Please pass the word around to your friends.

  4. i have same qn with 1:33AM

  5. Established Life Insurance Company=Long Haul International Airline

    New "Low Cost" Insurance Company=Budget Airline

    Both airlines has the same problem - escalating fuel cost & overhead. How does marginal profit cover 5% or more inflation rate in coming years?

  6. After addressing the needs of medical bills through a H&S plan, many people's prime concerns include the amount of money needed for children's tertiary education and personal retirement.
    I hope this new company can help to offer advices on the above areas.



  7. i will tyerminate all my policies with ntuc. ..cheers and best of the best to you, Mr. Tan

  8. Congratulations for your new career. All the best. :-)

  9. Give your former company a run for their money. Teach this comeback kid a thing or two. Tell him there is new kid on the block that cannot to be messed around. Honeymoon is over.

  10. I have a strong interest in the financial sector. But, my current work in IT industry doesn't give me chance to explore financial industry yet. I earn quite modest income in IT industry. I hope that there'll be part time job available for committed full-timer too.

  11. Agreed. Teach the present NTUC Income that arrogance and poor service has no place in our society. Show the new CEO, who is just a kid with one year service, the real insurance CEO is.

  12. Anonymous 3.40 AM.

    Not trying to spoil your mood, but the new CEO was actually the CEO of company P more than 10 years ago.

    He is famous for introducing investment-linked products to Singapore.

    May this new company be the Vanguard of Singapore!

  13. Mr Tan, I have a feeling your concept of buying term and investing the rest in low cost fund with your company selling it will create a groundbreaking reforms in the insurance industry, but in the best interest of the consumers. It will benefit many people who buy blindly in the past. I will support you.

  14. I am going to cancel my Growth policy with NTUC. After 3 years i only see less 1% . It is a loss. I wonder I will get as projected the 4%. Looking at what is going on I think more prudent to cancel it now than to wake up to a nighmmare after 10 years to see your money eroded by inflation which i feel can be as high as 4.5%.
    It is a phenomenon world wide that inflation has exceeded 6% with India and China experiencing the worst.In Singapore we are importing the inflation, from oil, rice to meat stuffs.
    Keeping Invested in Growth is like a sitting duck for targets by all kinds of risk.

  15. Black Box,
    You mean he has more than 30 years of experience like the real CEO? I think he was in Shanghai trying to sell training programmes prior to his joining Income and messing it up. That is what you get when you hire a salesman for a CEO.

  16. Anonymous 5.07 AM.

    If I didn't get my facts wrong, the man is a qualified actuary and went on to study organizational psychology.

    After finishing his psychology course, he went on to a HR consultancy before moving on the NTUC Income.

    Was he in sales previously? Do enlighten us; not sure of this.

  17. He may be an actuary but then 10 years ago policemen were wearing shorts. What i mean this guy has been out of touch. The industry has moved from product pushing to advisory. He is still stuck in the past. You can see from the products introduced recently. They are all suitable for salesmen. They are products with a lot of frills and useless features.In other words they can only be sold as a product but not recommended as a solution. The agents are great pushers of products and the products suit their style. Who suffers in this approach? Answer is THE CUSTOMERS.

  18. This guy is out of touch with the industry. He is more interested in marketing products than meeting clients' needs.You can see psychology being used in the marketing of the new products, like revosave and vivolife. They are not straight forward products. The message is twisting and preys on the mind of the customers. The messages are full of contradictions, very obvious to confuse the hearers or readers.But you can fool the customers once and not all the time.You will be reading about cancellations after cancellations from those who bought revosave .These people realised they been hoodwinked by the cunning and unscrupulous agents.
    We trust Mr. Tan. He has shown to be trustworthy and caring all this past 30 years. NTUC Income is Mr. TanKL and TAN KL is NTUC Income.

  19. ...sometimes I wondered why there was a change at the helm at NTUC Income. Mr. Tan was doing well when he was the CEO at NTUC Income. His track record of building Income from scratch to what it is now was indeed no easy feat. Will NTUC Income disappear under Mr. Tan's vision and mission? No, I didn't think so. In fact, NTUC Income distinguished itself from other insurance companies offering no-frill insurance products. Anyway, we do hope that the new insurance company where Mr. Tan serves as consultant can fill this gap. Our best wishes and success to this company !!! Looking forward to know more about this company.

  20. Yes, I agree wholeheartedly with anon 5.30 pm and anon 11.16 pm. This guy seems to be in Income for the short term. Whoever replaces him will be in for a hard time. It is possible to show some results statistically in order for him to touch the bar and move on elsewhere but what will happen to the trusted NTUC Income name later? The long time span of discretion dictates that the consequences of his dubious actions will only be seen some years down the road, by which time it will be too late to salvage the damage done.
    The man at the helm of a co-operative like NTUC Income must exude high integrity, trust, transparency and high communication skills. All these traits can be found in Mr Tan Kin Lian. Not so sure whether all of it can be found in the man in question.


  21. If it has an index fund, I'll be more than interested to invest through it :)

  22. Many after reading Mr Tan's blog felt that they should cancel their policies and even Growth Policy.

    Mr Tan has been very quiet about this.

    Is it fair that Mr Tan did not comment on this since Growth Policy was introduced since he was a CEO?

    Mr Tan, I think you have to be fair on this to comment on those who wish to surrender the policy, is this to their interest?

  23. Many people were sold growth for the WRONG reason. The product in itself is okay and it is not necessary good for everyone. To product sellers, it may appear a reasonable product, but to many out there , especailly the poor it may not be suitable.You think that growth product is ok becuase it is "low" risk". Yes , it will not lose your capital, just like bank deposit, but it is very risky to inflation, also just like bank deposit.Growth may be a no brainer to insurance agents to sell but it is great injustice to the poor people who are depending on the agents for help and agents have conflict of interest or incompetent.This is characteristic of ntuc agents, all of them product sellers or pushers, well known and #1 in the industry.None is willing to go extra to help their client.
