Sunday, June 22, 2008

Harassment by third party lawyers - action by CASE

Many motorists have received letters from third party lawyers that can be considered to be "harassing". The letters were written in legal language and were threatening. As the motorists have reported the accident to their insurance company, there is no need for the third party lawyer to harrass the motorist. They should write to the insurance company directly and sort out the claim.

I am a life member of Consumer Association of Singapore (CASE). I have asked CASE to take it up with the Law Society and they agreed. I hope that CASE and the Law Society can work out a protocol, so that the ordinary motorists will not be unnecessarily harrassed on third party claims in the future.


  1. Will you do the same for life insurance cases? lest the message to the life insurers is that they are immunized and their agents can commit "crimes" with impunity.

  2. Dear Kin Lian,

    Many lawyers wrote this kind of standard letter to show off to their clients and to give them the impression that he/she is taking care of the client's interest. So the client when he leaves the lawyer office will feel damn good about himself and will tell him friends what a good lawyer he has met. So by word of mouth the lawyer got free advertisement and branding.

    I do receive this kind of letter once. They are worth only for the rubbish dump.

  3. Dear Kin Lian,

    You have asked CASE to take up with the law society so that uncalled harassment by third party lawyers will cease.

    Just like to find out the outcome of the matter.
