Sunday, June 22, 2008

Out of the Box

I write an article each week in the Online Citizen, It appears in the column, "Out of the Box" You can visit this website to read about my views on life in Singapore..

Someone suggested that I should print a book of my articles. I am considering this suggestion.


  1. Some weeks back I read a book called Email from the CEO or something along that line by Mr Liew Mun Leong and I find it very inspiring, practical advice and observation from our own home grown corporate leaders. Another personality who shared his experience is Mr Ngiam Tong Dow and of course Mr Tan is also another interesting and experienced corporate leader who has much to share with the common people. I venture to suggest it is more enriching and relevant we learn from our own local leaders than from the usual US corporate leaders like Jack Welch, whose experience may not be so relevant to us. Only of course they are more famous and being from the West, they command more respect from our local people who normally prefer to learn from the Westerners rather than from our own local or Asian experts.

  2. Yes you should compile them into a book, Mr Tan, just like Chicken soup for the soul books or those Show me the money books :)
