Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ask for your risk analysis form

Here is a tip.

Write to the financial institution to ask for a copy of the risk analysis form that you signed at the time that you bought the credit linked notes.

Check if the answers in the form are based on what you told the sales representative. If the answers are not taken from you, you can write a letter immediately to point out any wrong facts.

A few investors have asked for and received the signed form. They found statements written by the sales representative (of the distributor) without their permission. If the wrong facts are entered with fraudalent intent, you can lodge a police report.

You can consult a knowledgeable fellow investor about the implications of the facts contained in the risk analysis form.

Views posted by an investor

To: All Investors,
Please ask your FI for a copy of ALL documents that you signed, preferabky BEFORE going for the interview. There have been some cases where the FI's copy of the risk profile form contain additions and/or modifications that were not reflected in the investor's copy. This is highly irregular.

During application time, the RM typically asked some random questions which were ticked on the form. The investor then signed the form, and the RM gave investor his copy on the spot. Later on, the RM filled up the balance of the form with info in his favour. This additional info was not made known to investor upon signup.The investor has unknowingly signed a "blank check".

The RM should get the agreement of the investor for any additional notes he plans to add, but he did not.From a legal standpoint, can one argue that the risk analysis form is invalid, and hence the entire purchase agreement in null and void?


  1. MAS should look into this anomaly and charge the RMs for falsification.
    This is also a fond practice with insurance agents. Supervisors who vetted and approved the forms must also bear the responsibility and liable for the falsification.
    This shows MAS's trust of the FIs has been betrayed.
    Really what is MAS doing no one knows.

  2. Please dont be that paranoid to think of every organisation as bad people.

  3. This is an important document that will uncover whether the RMs or insurance agents have mis-sold you or misrepresented to you.
    For RMs who pushed product the document will give away the RMs.
    Get an expert to check and spot the mis-selling for you.

  4. There are thousands of RM arounds. Everyone charge of being wrong doing, wwhere got place to lock them oil. Friends, this kind of cheating Money case, at least 5 years jail term. Many RM cannot sleep ler.
    Come a time, the bank and all the banks may have to sacrify their RMs, to save the bank face...
    May be the RM was told to say like that, but behind the scene CEO did the switch, the CEO get kick backs in Swiss account.

    If any1 dare to Make a POLICE report of CHEATING, some victims had no $ to fight legal case, seek POLICE help may be another way....

  5. make Polis report.
    Arrest for RM cheating.
    Or colluting with CEOs to cheat for high commission pay out.

    How dare RM do such things with forced instruction from CEOs?

    Nail the EX-CEO of DBS. He is now hiding in NEW york.
    ARREST him.

    He is the front runners of Toxic CDOS. He chicken out from SGP earlier....
    Reliable sources...

    If you not make Polis report,How can CID investigate who started this IMPORTATION OF TOXIC CDOS?

  6. Yes, RMs , insurance agents, advisers and their supervisors must be help responsible for the fact finding forms. They are liable for for everything in the form or not in the form.
    The supervisors who signed the forms must be also liable for agreeing to the recommendation.
    The CEO is also liable because these people are under his charge.
    MAS is accountable for not auditing the fact finding forms and condone to this malpractices.
    MAS appears siding with the FIs and doesn't protect the consumers from these greedy and unethical people. This is lawlessness.
    The ignorant, uneducated, the old, and clueless educated are the victims.Even PhDs can be victims. So what is informed decision MAS is talking about. What Caveat EMptor is the PM spewing?
    This is the greatest conspiracy of the decade.

  7. Fellow Friends,

    [1] Regarding Finance Advice, my wife's RM told her that it was only a survey form and specifically say that it is only for formality.

    [2] We check the form, and indeed there are error entries, entry saying that she gave certain advice but never did.

    I think this is criminal.

    Thank you Mr. Tan Kin Lian. Had not your effort I will never know what is RM's responsibility under Financial Advisor Act.

    I really hope MAS really have the heart to look into these criminal actions.
