Sunday, November 16, 2008

Barclays AREIT

Hi Mr Tan,

What can you tell me about Barclays AREIT. I bought this product from DBS. The officer told me it is a safe product with little risk and it is gives dividends. Since I joined in 2006, at $1, I have now lost about half of the investment.

Can you advise?


You should ask DBS and get them to reply in writing. If you do not understqnd the product, you should ask them to explain in terms that you can understand.


  1. Actually there are many skeletons of Structured products sold by DBS that failed over the years. Eg the "Surf" deposit and the "Swing" deposit. Even when times were good and other products were making money for investors, DBS Swing deposit was under water. Someone even wrote to the ST forum in 2006 asking MAS to scrutinise such DBS products.

  2. as this snowBall rolls, it may break off...

    ten of thousands of investors may pop up with millons of stories..
    Gosh...ever confused and frustrated people..just for that American Creative Toxic Products Export all over the world, and now Bush...tells the world..there are all within the context of rules and games...Wall street talents....

    May be we all take a painful cut, forget it. Some one must put it right if there is mis-selling...

    funny, US media shy to report these TOXIC CDOs vs China Milk powder contamination.

  3. You lost half your investment since 2006.

    No point checking with your Sales Officer, I think you know the product much better than him or her now.

    Even any of us.

  4. If I am not wrong your investment sound like a unit trust.Presently the price of most unit trust have dropped quite a fair bit some more than 50% from their peak.Maybe you can check with the bank what is the portfolio of this unit trust and decide what to do later.

  5. You are not alone; most unit trusts, China play and emerging market are down by 40 - 50%.

  6. whenever any1 mentioned, TRUST me, can you send me the good first, I pay you trmw.Never trust them.
    ANywords that TRUSTs is involved, I learnt not to TRUST them 30 years ago.

    unit trusts. NEVER in my mind

  7. Trust in each other can only be truly established if there is no skeletons in the closets.

    Nothing to spill so nothing to fear.... unlike the banks who sold all these toxic CLNs.

    Pay for bad judgement.

    Best regards
    Cryin Actor

  8. "Pay for bad judgement.'

    Yes alright, the Investors did.
