Sunday, November 02, 2008

Key features of structured products

I want to thank Goh Meng Seng for helping me to translate my speech into Chinese at Speaker's Corner.

Meng Seng has also the key features of the structured products in English and in Chinese in his blog.

I invite you to read them:


  1. Today Straits Times published an article named "Eyes wide open".

    If it ever goes to court, will they build their defense on the fact not everyone bought Lehman Brothers related investments complained that they were mislead???

    Investors of the Lehman Brothers related products should attempt to locate all others who have bought the products but not yet lodge a complain.

  2. There are many victims who are unable to either write in to complain, participate in the Petitions or attend the Hong Lim gatherings due to various reasons. Some of these reasons are obvious.

    But the FIs can be sure that these victims are just as angry and determined to have their lost savings returned and are waiting for the right moment to "strike".

  3. It does not matter that some investors claim that they invested with open eyes. These are just efforts to downplay our plight.

    I feel misled. I have grivances. I'll go thru the complaint & FIDRec process to ensure the FI need to spend the time & energy to handle just my case alone.

    It will only cost me S$50, but will costs the FI much more.

    It will be a lose-lose situation, but this is our govt suggestion!

    After this, I still have the option to join any class action.

  4. Anonymous said...

    It does not matter that some investors claim that they invested with open eyes. These are just efforts to downplay our plight.

    I feel misled. I have grivances. I'll go thru the complaint & FIDRec process to ensure the FI need to spend the time & energy to handle just my case alone.

    It will only cost me S$50, but will costs the FI much more.

    It will be a lose-lose situation, but this is our govt suggestion!

    After this, I still have the option to join any class action.

    2:56 PM

    You are going precisely on the track thats getting nowhere.

    There are NO options in reality.
    There are NO Lose-Lose situation, only You-LOST situation, and the other side is trying to NOT fall into that same predicament YOU are in right NOW.

    Again, repeat after me, you have NO real options, what you have is a realistic showcase of options, but none of which is real.
