Saturday, December 20, 2008

California Governor order 2 day Unpaid Leave

By Michael B. Marois
Dec. 19 (Bloomberg) -- California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger may force all state workers to take two days of unpaid leave each month to conserve money amid a record budget deficit and a legislative impasse over how to fix it.

The furloughs would begin in February and would last through June 1010, according to labor union officials who said they were briefed by the administration earlier today.

This is an excellent way to deal with a downturn. Take unpaid leave, which applies to all employees!


  1. Not in Singapore lah. The civil service is even recruiting aggressively, not the high pay type but the medium to lower end ones. Care to join the Home team or to teach? But hope not just for the money, otherwise there is unlikely to be passion and commitment in your job. And that will have bad consequences for the nation, don't you think?

  2. strongly disagreed with the unpaid leave

    many people like myself are still waiting to break meals

  3. Many people in the lower and middle class will struggle. Disagree. My view is its up to the authorities to punish the people and institutions who have caused all these problems. Take back their excessive bonus and rebate it back to the US tax payers.
