Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cost of banks

One year ago, Royal Bank of Scotland paid US$100 billion for ABN Amro.

Today, this sum could buy:
Citibank $22.5 billion (74% down)
Morgan Stanley $10.5 billion (-72%)
Goldman Sachs $21 billion (-67%)
Merril Lynch $12.3 billion (-77%)
Deutsche Bank $13 billion (-71%)
Barclays $12.7 billion (-71%)
... and leave a balance of $8 billion:


  1. Is the worst yet to come? Many said this is just the beginning. 2009 promises to be dramatic (negatively of course) for the direction in US and world economy, according to analysts.

  2. this shows that how inflated an company 's price can be during good time. I pity on the shareholders of RBS.

  3. But wld they still have that same 100 billion now if they did not buy amro?

  4. Financial institutions are getting dirt cheap but not our daily necessities. Breads,cooking oil, medicines, fruits etc remain as expensive as last year.
