Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Suffering from depression and mental illness

Mr. Tan.

First of all, I would like to thank you for helping all the helpless victims to voice up. Till now, no MPs have really initiated to try to help. I believe majority of the MPs also knew that this is a clear cut misled case but dare not bring up in the Parliament because they afraid that their rice bowl may get broken.

“Yes” man is “Safe” man. Do we want to have such leaders? I was at the Speakers corner yesterday. I spoke to some of the victims who had seen their MPs. They told me that they were again lectured by their MPs “you went in with your eyes open”.

My dear MPs and Minister, you are leaders with high profile. Please go through the brochure and prospectus and honestly tell the public whether you understand such complicated product with hidden toxic ingredients for every item. Oh! Sorry, maybe, you don’t have to read it since you are rich enough to get your lawyer to go through for you.

Please also do a survey. Get the graduates who have never invested to look at the brochure and prospectus whether they understand every single item. I suggest that our government should also get the RC members to go through and get them to feedback whether if they understand.

All the while, I have full faith in our Singapore government. Just like the China milk products case where it contains melamine that killed many lives, immediate action was taken. However, for such case, our government may think that immediate action is not required because it will not cause live and death and can take their time to resolve the issue. They have oversight the consequences and seriousness.

Many Singaporeans were already suffering from depression and mental illnesses due to sleepless night as all their life (coffin) saving is already gone. Mind them, waiting to die is worse then immediate death.

Even the financial experts already said the products are too complicated and it should not be sold. The toxins are all hidden in the ingredients. I believe MAS should also agree with it now. To my conclusion, I believe MAS is also under pressure and have not guts to admit their overlooking and allowing of such complicated toxic product to be sold in by the FIs in Singapore.



  1. My wife was under Depression before and she was referred to Hospital whereby a Psychiatrist who will get all the facts on how she encouted Depression and prescriped Anti-Depressants etc. but my worry is for her to get out of Anti-Depressants at all cost and be rehabilitated first. The many visits and encouragements help her out of her Depression with prayers and spiritual healing and only Divine Intervention can cure if any!
    Lost of Income/Retrenchment/Business failures/death of loved ones/maritial breakdown/failure in exams/rat-race issues/stressful/Cancer and AIDS/Sickness and Diseases/ living/losing ones life savings/being scammed or robbed and many many unsolved issues can lead to Depression and if it is not handdled in time, may lead to mental breakdown.....perhaps someone or a specialist on this issue can give an insight on Depression and Mental illness.
    Health is Wealth!

  2. mental issues can be resulted from trauma of being unable to par terms between reality and expectation

    to winch off medication or just to avoid a collusion course with imminent breakdown, one has to (every paid therapist will give this advice) recognize the single difference between those two is that while one cannot be changed, the other can be adapted. by the individual

  3. The media here gave in their best during the "NKF" issue.
    The public applauded their professionalism, integrity, righteousness and their "RESPECT to TRUTH, NOT POWER"

    I am not sure whether the media is now doing some serious compilation of info, and intend to give their best report on the "structured deposits" issue in near future ... if not, I hope they can bring back their "NKF-issue-like" spirit this time.

    In Taiwanese TV talk shows, some invited speakers used to say that :

    The "Law" is the minumum standard for "Ethnical Values".

    I am not a law student, I am not sure whether the statement is correct.
    But the statement does make me do some internal debate with myself...

    1) will you steal if now one is around ...
    2) will you steal if you know that nobody will ever find out ...
    3) will you lie if you know that nobody will ever find out ...
    4) if you are "legally" right, does that make you "ethnically" right too ?

    In this hectic world, will one have time to stop and ponder ... re-access, look at yourself in the mirror, or use others as a mirror ...

    When I open my mouth to talk (about the truth), am I speaking ...
    1) with my hand on my chest ...
    2) with my finger rubbing my nose ...

    God Bless All!

  4. When we have one party and one strong man in power for too long, we will get whole bunch of "YES MEN" leaders/MPs and funny social problems such charity organisation cheating, bank cheating etc.

  5. Nobody has to sink into depression and mental illness, if that is truly possible.

    Otherwise drugs in all my honesty and experience, is just as similar as morphine to the wounded or dying soldiers. Relief, yes; cure, I doubt.

    You might disagree with me. While I can only share that one of the surest thing to do is to work hard towards achieving natural and balance once again. Even if it been lost for years. This sound far-fetch, but believe this - can be done. Get natural remedies, instead of pschological-altering drugs or infamous sleeping pills.

    Try ST. JOHN'S WORT. Learn more on it and do you research. You can get it from the counters of all major pharmacies and supermarkets.

    Or, I have this on my Ebay and the link is here:

  6. Hi Anonymous (8:08 AM),

    I have some experience personally and in helping one of my loved ones.

    First I must say that I am no medical student and I am not a doctor or psychiatrist and have no relevant certificate in the subject matter.

    In my humble opinion (IMHO) with my limited knowledge, if I am you,

    1) I will have to ask some of the questions (see below) and
    2) target certain areas that some assumptions were made initially,
    3) will need to be access again to make sure that even if they are valid initially, are they still valid now.

    A) Do not mix "Depression" with "Anxiety".
    IMHO :
    Depression :
    Person is lethargic, have not interest in most activities, and even in those that he/she used to enjoy ... etc
    Traced back in time to check when did the depression start.
    Were there any trigger points / events ?

    Anxiety :
    comes from the word : anxious
    IMHO, one may also include "over-whelmed" in the "basket" of emotion the person is having.
    They have a whole bunch of worries, both "valid" or "invalid"
    Valid : the possibility of the occurrence is what a normal person thinks it is worth the attention to keep the matter in a close perspective/monitor, or to take action to "solve" it or "prevent" it.
    As for "invalid", you just think the “reverse".
    The "invalid" ones are the ones that you want to sniff them out, and eradicate them.
    These are "zapping" energy from the patient with no valid reason, thus "invalid".

    Pin pointing the reason behind depression or anxiety is the crucial part.
    Sometimes the patient maybe having a mix of both depression and anxiety.
    But IMHO, one of them has to more dominant.

    The best person to filter out the "camouflaging" reasons that the patient is giving for his present condition is the person closest to him. Most of the time it is the spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend etc.

    Psychiatrist has only a half an hour or one hour session with the patient once a week or a month, and it will be too much to ask from the doc to find the "pin" in the hay stack.
    Even with that said, professional medical help is always a MUST that you have to insist on doing and following up.

    For those helping out, be prepared that it is a long battle. It may take years or it maybe just like one of those old ailments that will stay with you for the rest of your life.
    The key point to note is how to manage it and live with it if you can’t eradicate it totally.
    Do note that nobody can eradicate these emotions totally as they are what make us human in the first place. Just don’t let them control. You have to be the boss, at least at critical times.
    On the bright side, things will get better and better with care. One of my doctors used to say to me that, you have hit the bottom and that is the worst it can get !
    Everyday onwards you will get better and wiser. You will know yourself better, you will sense "it" coming before anyone else. You may sense "it" in someone and you are the best person to "pull" him out before he "drops" deeper.
    You can help people with the knowledge !

    You have my empathy with what you are going through right now. My wife suffered from PPD after giving birth to my son. If not of my own experience and success in overcoming my emotional problem, she will still be “trapped” in her own little “prison”.
    And I know that it will be really tough on you, both financially and physically.
    Don’t give up ! Come to these blog to let go some of your negative emotion constructively. Don’t bottle them up. I strongly believe Mr. Tan Kin Lian will not mind you doing so. He is a very kind and helpful person.

    When years passed, you look back and you will know that,
    It is just another chapter in my life. And it may well be the BEST chapter.
    Everything is relative. (Check that out with Albert Einstein).
    So is Happiness.

    I am typing off my mind directly, so the flow of the text may not be easy to read and comprehend. But I hope I am of some help here.


  7. MAS is fully responsible for all the investors' suffering by approving such toxic financial junks! All investigations should start with MAS's basic duty that it owe to all Singaporean.

  8. Anonymous 6.27pm

    Yes i hope that

    I think EVERYONE here hope that too

    But i suppose THAT issue leads right back exactly to THIS VERY DISCUSSION herein?!

  9. Thanks 1:56 PM, for the sharing!

    My wife's Depression was EMPTYNESS or NEST feeling when my only son got married and left home.
    You speak your mind and that is the agony that you and I experienced......imagine the 10,700investors having sleepless nights to begin with or by now in early state of depression. We wish them well and HOPE for the best!

  10. latest victim of Toxic CDOs is Air Asia. apparently lured by sexy funds managers to invest high yields Lehmen Bros Bonds...When you collect Millions of Advanced AirPort taxes and Millionsof advanced airfares and Fuel surchages, flush with CASH, one gate Keeper will had his mind turn KUKU. Similarly, when banks see so many cash Stucked on FDs, someone cooked up the ideals of turning FD to toxic CDOs bonds.

    I remind Tranposrt Minister to set up GUIDELINES for AIRLINEs operators NOT to Mis used Advanced Airport Taxes and airfares collected to invest in risky bonds. Not to the extends AIrasia had to write off 400mil this F.Y., part of it was Lehmer Bros Toxic Bond.

    Walau sei.

    Is tony depressed Now?

  11. if you hold airasia shares- FUnd Managers, Tmrw is the day to SELL!
    AIR ASIA>..

  12. Health Tips:
    - Check with Pharmacist for side effect of long-term medication
    - Consult Anthony Yeo,
    Care & Counselling Center or
    - Shan You Counselling Center
    Tel 67419293 www.shanyou.org.sg

  13. Sleep Solution CD is available
    from Shanyou Counselling Centre.

  14. I agreed with the author of this post on "waiting to die is worse than immediate death".


  15. I cannot sleep 3 months..

  16. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I cannot sleep 3 months..

    6:53 AM"

    You can do whatever you like.

    But please knock yourself out if necessary to rest the night before you are to attend Court on your case the NEXT MORNING.

    "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I agreed with the author of this post on "waiting to die is worse than immediate death".


    11:20 PM"

    Then the answer is quite clear.


    If you want to win, if you have to win, burn the boats so that you have no assumption or illusions of safe return. You can then focus your energies on fighting your battles. on Winning.

    Those familiar with the related Chinese Tales will understand this.

    Those who are not can read this, courtesy of:

