Tuesday, December 02, 2008

David Marshall in 1994

Dear Mr. Tan,
Please post this story. Thanks.

I've got nothing against money. I'd like to have money myself! I'd like to have a house and a garden and dogs and a car and a chauffeur but, look, I've got a flat. I've got a swimming pool attached to the flat. I've not even got a car but I use taxis. I have a dignified way of life without being wealthy.

I don't see the necessity of owning a Mercedes-Benz and a swimming pool and a couple of mistresses. I think we've got our values all wrong.

You know $96,000 a month for a Prime Minister and $60,000 a month for a minister. What the hell do you do with all that money? You can't eat it! What do you do with it? Your children don't need all that money.

My children have had the best of education. In fact, I'm very proud of them. One of them is a senior registrar to two major hospitals in Oxford. Another of them is a consultant in European law to the Securities and Investment Board in the United Kingdom. They've had their education. There are no complaints.

I never earned $60,000 a month or $90,000 a month. When I was Chief Minister, I earned $8,000 a month. Look, what is happening today is we are encouraged to and are becoming worshippers of the Golden Calf.

We have lost sight of the joy and excitement of public service, helping our fellow men. The joy and excitement of seeking and understanding of the joy of the miracle of the living the duty and the grandeur. We have lost taste for heroic action in the service of our people.

We have become good bourgeois seeking comfort, security. It's like seeking a crystal coffin and being fed by intravenous injections through pipes in the crystal coffin; crystal coffins stuck with certificates of your pragmatic abilities.


  1. Money is good. Money is also evil.
    When it becomes more evil than good, it becomes a problem.

    So let money do more good than evil but it is not always possible when it is beyond control due to human greed, selfishness and the exploitation of the weak and defenceless.

  2. The incidence let us realize this Gov is not the same one as before.
    Time has passed. People have changed. Priorities have shifted. Hearts are stiff …
    Are Ministers, MPs needed to be told of what were happening when petitions were submitted, when Hong Lim Gathering were held and when experts have commented the product in the Press?
    The Gov had made a mistake to allow the product to be sold to public in such a manner. But would they want to admit it?

  3. He earned $8,000 a month in the mid 1950s.

    A bungalow hse in Frankel Estate (Siglap area) was abt S$30,000 (high side).

    So he could buy 3.2 hses there on a yearly salary.

    Say a minister today gets S$2 mill. He can buy maybe one hse in same area in one yr.

  4. Our leaders are political and business leaders not moral leaders, so we cannot expect them to behave as such. Just treat them like other professional people, no need to talk about emotion, respect or "kam cheng" or relationship. Pay them what they want and make them accountable, if they do not perform, just get rid of them through our election, at least that's what theoretically can happen.

  5. David Marshall needs to re-make his comment now, if he is still alive.
    Today, our Prime Minister is earning around S$300,000 per month and our ministers are earning around S$150,000 per month.

  6. No wonder Hes greatly respected, he has a way with words.

    i agreed with 3.44pm and in some way to 4.00pm. True, salaries back in those days are even more outrageous compared to today, but also True, times has changed.

    But words were still words, at the end of the day what the FIs do, what the authorities do today is still today matter, nothing to do with passionate speeches.

  7. The numbers given in the Posting are illustrative only, of course they can be updated to reflect today's sustenance level pricings.
    The main point of the argument is "what you gonna do with so much money, you can't eat it."what a simple but smart insight!
    In true fact, at today's prices, if you have about $3m in your account (cash or properties), and there is some amount of rental income or others, that's enough for you and your family actually. What to do with $20, 50 100 million like what the ministers have? I can only think of ONE answer.
    Prepare to Migrate. Yes that's it.
    They amass money so that they can run away from this country. That's why. No more david marshall real heroes anymore. Every man for himself. What a stupid life.

  8. ANIMAL FARM by George Owell

    The Seven Commandments, Animal Farm's original Constitution
    Whatever goes on two legs is an enemy.
    Whatever goes on four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
    No animal shall wear clothes.
    No animal shall sleep in a bed.
    No animal shall drink alcohol.
    No animal shall kill any other animal.
    All animals are equal.

    The Seven Commandments, after the pigs' "revisions"
    "Four legs good, two legs better!"
    No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.
    No animal shall drink alcohol to excess.
    No animal shall kill any other animal without cause.
    All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

    sigh ...
    when the top is not straight , the BELOW WILL BE CROOKED .

  9. I wonder whether the figures of $300,000 pm or $150,000 pm are true indicators. I have read news of one GLC boss earning between $4 million and $5 million pa and that would translate into an income exceeding $300,000 pm. Maybe, there are other GLC bosses earning around the $4/5 million mark pa. GLC bosses are PAP people. Why should the PM, a person at/near the top of the PAP cadre, be earning less than those below him, in terms of party seniority? The PM's post, after all, carries far more responsibilities and perhaps requires far greater skills than the post of chairmanship of any GLC.

  10. My late mum told me:

    Remember who you are or what you are, with all the $$$millions, you cannot bring to your grave!.....as the saying that in life, we came with nothing (naked) and we must return with nothing (naked)...

  11. Is David Marshall's $8000 per month salary in the 50s typo error?

    Maybe it was $800 per month.

    I remember in the 60s and early 70s, even $150-$200 per month can raise a family.

  12. After reading some of the Wayangologist's postings, I concluded :

    Wayangnologist is nice to point out some of the cruel facts, and some of us (or most of us) here are not prepared to accept them. Or at least we want to change the way things work for goodness sake.

    Most of us here are :
    1) "dissecting" the matter in different ways,
    2) using different analogies for the ease of understanding, for different groups of people, either from different educational levels or different degrees of understanding to the current issue ... etc
    3) I believe most of us are aware of what Wayangnologist is saying, but we want to fight for a change. And we want to voice out loud to as many angles as we can. We want to be HEARD.
    At the very least, we want to be heard by more people, people like Mr. Tan Kin Lian.
    In that I mean, we believe we need more people like Mr. Tan Kin Lian to join in the "struggle".
    It is very hard for Mr. Tan alone to handle this matter or to lead the distressed ones to brightness.

    I believe one should cherish input from all and let's take them as extra info and data to assist our navigation.
    With a better look at the bigger picture, we can avoid "ice-bergs" and being lost.
    And at times we need critical comments to check our blind spots.

    Last but not least, I believe Mr. Tan Kin Lian promote the freedom of speech in his blog, as long as they are matured, responsible, sensible and constructive.

    I know Wanyangnologist has good intention right from the very beginning.
    Kudos to you, Wayangnologist.
    Hope you are not deterred by some of the comments, and continue to bring more of your insights to the matter.


  13. 7;49,
    You have totally missed the point. What we are saying is that political leaders pay should not be compared dollar to dollar to commerical leaders' pay. If your argument is correct, then USA President must be paid US$200 million per year.
    If you really want to compare dollar to dollar then you must convert the prestige & honour of a leader, no. of bodyguards etc into monetary terms. Can a GLC CEO drives a car with "S1" no. plate? Can a GLC CEO have state funeral when he die? Can a GLC CEO has 21 gun salute?
    Why are people fighting so hard to be US President for such a miserable pay? Are they stupid?

  14. thanks World Peace, i dont know who you are but thanks

    Fellow Forumers

    take a look at this event if it interest you:


    Mediation: Strategic Conflict Management for Professionals is an intensive 2-day workshop that offers you an opportunity to increase your understanding of conflicts, learn the latest and most effective techniques to manage and resolve conflicts, and improve your communication and interpersonal skills. Participants can expect a highly interactive programme and active engagement in role-plays and simulations.

    What you can expect to learn:

    · Fundamental concepts in interest-based conflict management.

    · A model of mediation: a dynamic process.

    · Mediator's strategies and tactics.

    · Power tools for effective communication.

    · Overcoming impasse.

    Who should attend:

    · Managers involved in management of disputes between members
    of their organisation or between them and external parties

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    i understand naturally theres some costs attaching to this, but i feel this is a good step in the right direction, many of whom i personally feel are perhaps sort unfamiliar with some these processes, learning more abit about these may be useful but then they may be not, I am NOT advertising for anyone, I was thinking this could be a timely oppt perhaps

    Oh again in case those who missed one my earlier other recommendation - Do consider viewing a copy of the US movie "The Bucket List", its pretty useful psychological healing tool. Sure it might not heal, but it gives fresh perspective on a ironically rather deadend subject.

  15. If the boss of an insurance company earns a million and the new army of subordinates have their salaries increased 2-3 folds. Their marketing cost shoots up like printed money and their buildings spruced up to look like 7 star hotel lounge where do you think the money come from? or Who pays for them ?
    The life fund? The customers pay?
    How do they affect the products, especially the whole life and endowment products?
    Think about it .Every thing remains the same except the cost..
    The next time you buy a wholelife and endowment look at their return and the protection...They look like
    real milk from the cows but tainted with melamine to boost its look. Look deeper into the products and you will be shocked to know that you have been short changed.
    But how did the product land in your hand?
    You have been conned by the glib tongued insurance agents masqueraded as financial consultants who miss-sold and misrepresented them.
