Monday, January 12, 2009

Part Time Work

There is strong interest in looking for part time work $6 to $10 an hour, preferably near the home. I will approach someone to create a portal to allow the matching of part time workers and employers.

I hope that this will create a new type of employment. The employer can engage a part time worker initially, and offer full time work if the worker is found to be suitable.


  1. Mr Tan,
    May I suggest
    (1) part-time jobs available based on locations,
    (2) part-time jobs available which allow workers to work at home.

  2. When is your insurance company starting? Maybe can take in part timers too for office and advisory work.

  3. I was also going to ask the same question as Anon 7.38 pm. I am looking for any new good products that will be offered, not just jobs. Or is there a change from your original plans, Mr Tan? Hope you can enlighten a bit more as you have been very quiet on this for quite some time.

  4. Mr Tan,

    Has the full impact of the economic meltdown be felt already?

  5. Part-time or work from home jobs for mothers who are professionals with reasonable renumeration are hard to come by except in the sales industry. It would be good if the portal has such offers.

  6. Part-time or work from home jobs for mothers who are professionals with reasonable renumeration are hard to come by except in the sales industry. It would be good if the portal has such offers.

  7. Mr Tan
    1) Why can't local employers be flexible like in the West where part-time work can also be 3 or 4 days a week and NOT Monday to Fri/Sat??
    2) In practice, all employers (including Govt institutions! ) practise discrimination against older workers. The FIRST question they always ask is "How old are you?"
    3) Local employers pay $4.50 per hour and demand EXTRA-ordinary qualifications from workers! Local employers are exploitative.

    I hope some good changes will come out of your portal! Thank you for giving a thought to part-time workers.


  8. Hi Chew @ 9.48am,

    I like your 2nd comments - how the employers discriminate the senior citizens. This is very true as it did happen in the last recession, not sure about this round. As a senior citizen myself, I believe employers should look not just at the age but the capability, experience, work attitude, dedication, loyalty of employees. Over time, I am very sure senior workers have all of these as compared to the younger ones. I apologise if I have offended this younger group. I hope the employers are able to give the seniors a chance to proof themselves - I did just that in the last recession and was happy that I've made the right choice.

  9. I'm looking forward to your portal ! It is disheartening that the market pays part-timer as low as $5 for a degree holder. That's $17 after transport cost for 4-hour work

  10. I think in singapore your employer do not like it if you wish to change your full time job to work on part time basis as they view that you are not committed. On the other hand i agree that part time work are view like temp workers and paid very pathetic. Really hope something can be done to make part time work recognized and paid half the full time work of similar work nature. More important there must be such opportunities.

  11. What do you think of working as part time insurance agent? What are the advantages and disadvantages for housewife, jobless, or tertiary students?
