Sunday, January 11, 2009

TABS - Taxi Automated Booking Service (8202 8866)

You can test TABS now by sending a zone code (from 01 to 82) to TABS 82028866. If a taxi is available, you will get a SMS stating that a taxi will call you on your mobile phone. Actually, you will get a dummy taxi (during this testing period). You will get the SMS, but there is no actual taxi at this time.

If no taxi is available, you will be placed on the queue for the next "dummy" taxi to be available. You should get a SMS within 5 minutes.

Give it a try. The zone should be the first two digit of the postal code of your home, office or wherever you happen to be.

Send ZZ (01 to 82) to 82028866. Test the system now. It is FREE.

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