Monday, February 02, 2009

Attend the interview with the bank now

Dear Mr. Tan,
I bought minibonds series. When I heard about the lehman brothers bankruptcy in last September, I went to the bank and asked them what would be the next step. They told me to wait.

I didn't hear anything specific for a couple of months so I went back to see the rep who sold me the product. He told me that I should meet his colleague for an interview. I was skeptical given what I read in newspaper about categorizing graduates and non graduates. But he managed to persuade me that it doesn't hurt and someone would call me the next working day.

Someone just called me to have an appointment. Can you advise whether going to meet this manager would help or hurt my chances of getting my money back?

It is all right to attend the meeting. You should tell the truth, and focus on the questions listed here.

If you have been truly misled, you should expect a fair offer of compensation.  If you do not get a fair offer, you can escalate the complaint to FIDREC.

Please read my blog in detail for the other information that you need. I am not able to advice you individually on this matter. I hope you understand my limitation.


  1. Go for the interview. You have nothing to lose. And if they take pity of you, you may be compensated. It is definitely more proactive than just sitting around, keeping quiet and waiting for the outcome of the Lehman saga which could be a very......very long wait.


  2. If u think yr case can only be settled at fidrec; or the FI is unlikely to compensate u, then u my not need to go 4 interview.
    Don't need to give them more ammunition to fire at u.

  3. i emailed to ABn to request for interview months ago, extremely poor response from them - lots of excuses- asking u to wait for mid-Jan MAS response. now I'm STILL waiting to see them in person n very difficult to get to person incharge (only one!!) they wont give name of others 'higher up'.

    Can anyone advise if i shd complain direct to MAS without jeopardising my chances of getting something back? thanks!
