Monday, February 02, 2009

Insurance company reject claim due to non-cooperation

Dear Mr Tan,
I had an accident on 2005 and had pleaded guilty at the court's hearing. My mother was the one who informed the insurance agent of this accident as the insurance was under her name.

Last year, I received first law letter from the insurance company that they will severe ties with me as I have bleached their contract of not cooperating with them on this case. I had once received a called from them but have told them that i was busy and would return call back which I had told my mother to. Since then, I had not received any further contact from them until this first lawyer letter.

Now I received a second letter to attend to court hearing between the plaintiff (the one whose car I knocked onto), the insurance company as co-applicant, and I as the defendant. Could you advice me?

You should reply to the lawyer's letter to explain that you have been willing to cooperate, and you are waiting for their communication.

As to the letter to attend the court hearing, you should bring it to your insurance company's attention. They have to deal with this matter. As they are more experienced, they will know what they have to do.

1 comment:

  1. I bought an insurance last year from NTUC Income. There was a minor claim over some items. I have been calling them every week since before Christmas last year. The person in charge did not call me back. The hotline staff always say will inform her to call me back. She never did. I was given a number to call but it is always a recording and messages left never acknowledged. Till now I still did not manage to resolve the issue. Can I send a lawyer's letter to sever all ties with NTUC Income? What will happen to my claim then?
