Monday, March 16, 2009

Shin Min Interview - General Election

Here are my replies in an interview with Jo Sum of Shin Min News.


  1. You can do a Lee Kuan Yew.

    “Let us get down to fundamentals. Is this an open, or is this a closed society? Is it a society where men can preach ideas - novel, unorthodox, heresies, to established churches and established governments - where there is a constant contest for men’s hearts and minds on the basis of what is right, of what is just, of what is in the national interests, or is it a closed society where the mass media - the newspapers, the journals, publications, TV, radio - either bound by sound or by sight, or both sound and sight, men’s minds are fed with a constant drone of sycophantic support for a particular orthodox political philosophy? I am talking of the principle of the open society, the open debate, ideas, not intimidation, persuasion not coercion…”
    - by Lee Kuan Yew, Malaysian Parliamentary Debates, Dec 18, 1964.

  2. To "The",

    Do you dare to take medicine with expiry date long ago?

    If not, please don't tell others to do it even in jest.
