Thursday, August 06, 2009

Call to investors

I have written a few blog postings in RED, calling on the financial institutions to offer the Hong Kong settlement.
If you agree with them, you can send the blog posting to the financial institution that sold the credit linked note to you. You can also send it to your Member of Parliament or other channels, asking them to take up your matter.
If more investors do this, it may create an impact.


  1. Mr. Tan,
    As you represent all of us, may be you should send it together with a copy of petition to the FIs representing the 1000 investors.

  2. Each investor should send the message individually and separately. The financial institution should get 1,000 messages from their customers. It will have bigger impact.

  3. 1000 not enough.

    They should ask relatives, friends, friends of friends or relatives to send to the FI in which these relatives, friends, friends of friends or relatives got account.

    Imagine the impact, if DBS, M Bank, HLF get 20,000 each. And brokers and RBS each get 5000.

  4. " Mr. Tan,
    As you represent all of us, may be you should send it together with a copy of petition to the FIs representing the 1000 investors."

    Dear People
    Please lah. Mr Tan Kin Lian is not even an investor. And yet he is helping you. Can't you even volunteer to do it yourself.

  5. I have sent. As I don't expect any reply, personally, it felt good. Anyway, thanks for asking.


  6. I have sent to OCBC Securities.

  7. I have sent to DBS & OCBC Securities..

  8. GE has launched a 3 year endowment called the Golden Cash Saver with return of 2.5% guaranteed.
    Those wish to reinvest their returned capital can do so.
    This product beats the NTUC Capital Plus hands down.

  9. GE launched a new product called Golden Saver with gauranteed return of 2.5% for 3 years.It beats NTUC miserable Capital Plus hollow.

  10. I have sent to DBS some days ago and they have ignored it.
    I will keep sending it to them again.

  11. here are all Ministers email address, we should send to them also. To let them know what MAS are doing and how Ministry of Finance are doing. If every victim send the same, at least they will read and think. You can go to to find all ministers email address.

  12. To anon 6 Aug 10.14pm & 10.36pm,
    Regarding this new GE product called Golden Saver with guaranteed return of 2.5% for 3 years, please state the source of info.

  13. The Bank preference shares are better at around 5.05%. Can sell anytime

  14. Do you think they read your email first hand? They have secretary to screen. Maybe with their salary, they have secretariesssss to screen.

    Uphold Justice, compassion for heartlander and low income families.

    Everything become clear when problems arises. DBS = Temasak = Govt.

    So stick to the gun. Cannot pay anyone. MAS cannot find DBS wrong, else MAS must answer to the Ms. With all the connection, how to have fair and objective report. If MAS fight like SFC or HK MA, then payment have to be made to HK and Sgp. Anyway, DBS in Hong Kong is dead. Who will want to do business with a company who hurt their country citizens.
