Thursday, August 06, 2009

Two Canadians' views about Singapore

Mr. Eric Brooks letter, asking Singaporeans to be grateful for the quality of life, was published in the Straits Times.

Mr. Wing Lee Cheong. a Singaporean who became a Canadian citizen, wrote a reply to the Straits Times, asking Mr. Brooke to be grateful to Canada. His letter is not likely to be published in the Straits Times. It can be read here.


  1. This blog allows opposing views to be presented. Let people make the judgement for themselves.

    Singapore main stream are sadly always one sided reporting, indeed very bad for the nation. It seems the positive change can come only when we change the govt.

  2. Mr. Cheong criticised Mr. Brooks, but he does it with his real name and make remarks that are quite respectful, though critical.

    If anyone wishes to criticise others, they should adopt the same approach, if they expect their views to be published. Their views will not be published, if they remain anomymous or are disrepectful (i.e. personal attacks).

  3. I have stopped my subscription to the Straits Times, citing the reason that I am not getting value for money by having to read "crap" when asked for the reason. I believe if enough people are willing to stop buying the Straits Times then they will have to do fairer reporting. Hit them where it hurts, the pocket. This is the same strategy as what our govt did to the publications that they deem unfair to them and it worked.

  4. With more foreigners and PRs, SPH would not be too worried if more S'pore citizens are not buying and reading its papers.

    Only the incumbent govt has the power to stop or reduce foreigners flooding the little red dot. Our tiny country is in great danger of being swamped by foreigners just like Aust in the danger being swamped by Asians in 1990s.

    But bcos of GDP, MIWs may open the flood gate bigger to justify their high pay?

    End up NS for S'pore citizens, jobs for foreigners and PRs?

  5. How to be grateful towards Singapore when we see with our eyes the scholarships,grants and jobs going to foreigners. My son said the only benefits being a Singaporean is to be able to drive a taxi and given a grant to buy a HDB flat when he gets married. He said it's better to migrate and return later to Singapore as a PR. He feels bitter.

  6. Can not mix creatuere comfort with citizenship. We can yell and curse but at the end we are still the citizen of the country we are born in. The country is innocent, it is the people and leader who decide the fate of a country.

  7. "... but he does it with his real name ..."

    Dear Mr. Tan, you seem to be rather particular about people using their so called "real" name. However almost all of the people who left comments here are anonymous -- for obvious reason. For example if I'm a government officer and I agree with your critiques about the government. Now I wish to voice my support to you, do you really want me to use my real name - I just don't think Singapore is there yet. Actually some of the best comments I have read were from "Anonymous". Hopefully you would continue to encourage people to submit comments whether or not they are use their real name.

    If you were to look at Mr. Siew Kum Hong's blog where he insists on using "real" names to make comments on his blog, the result is that very few people would provide feedback. The amount of feedback he get is probably <5% of what you get, and often from the same people. I guess that's the price one pays for holding to some so called "principles".

  8. >20K applied for Canadian PRs; i.e. >20K families. Applicants
    with kids, money and good education. That's why the govt.
    is damned worried, hence the periodical propaganda to discourage this exodus.

    But with the advent of internet,
    the whole truth will be known;
    no more half-truths and complete lies to shaft down our throats.

    When will they ever learn?

  9. Why was ex-President Nair migrate to Canada and passed away there? Is Singapore Island not his home?

  10. Reply to Comment on 12:09 PM

    I agree with your point that there are people who fear reprisal from the authority, if they use their real name in voicing their grievance.

    I allowed the investors of the credit-linked notes to post anonymously, in sharing their grievance and views.

    There are other people who feel that it is their right to attack me, or ridicule the investors of the credit linked notes. They criticise me for blocking their comments. These are the people who should be using their real names, if they wish to have their views published.

    I have explained my moderation policy in another blog.

  11. Dear Mr. Tan,

    My full support to you for blocking people who attack/abuse the victims of the credit linked notes. Some people seem to enjoy rubbing salt into people's wound. They deserved to be blocked.

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