Sunday, September 13, 2009

Admirable qualities of the American way

America faces many big challenges. They have to rebuild their economy, to reform health care, to regulate the financial sector. They faced a big budget and trade deficit.

I have been followed the debates in Congress over the past months and speeches by President Obama. I also listened to the inaugural speeches of many past Presidents. They gave me the confidence that America will overcome these challenges and be a better nation. Here are my reasons:

a) Honesty. The leaders of America are honest people. They recognize the problems and face them squarely. They engage in honest debates and have an open mind to explore the options. The people expect their leaders to be honest, sincere and open.

b) Courage. The leaders and the people have the courage to face their challenges and are determined to overcome them. They are driven by what is right, good for the country and needs to be done. They do not shirk their responsibility.

c) Fairness. They believe strongly in fairness and justice. Their solutions will be for the benefit of the people at large, and not just a few.

d) Public service. The leaders earn a modest salary, which is a fraction of what they can earn in the private sector. Their salaries are benchmark against the national average, not against the top salaries in the private sector. But they are proud to be in public service to serve the people and the nation. This is a stronger motivation than monetary rewards.

e) Positive. They are a positive people. They show confidence and hope in working for a better future. This is the strength of a people who cherish freedom over tyranny.

I hope that the leaders and people of Singapore can embrace these qualities, so that our nation can also be strong and united.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Very difficult to emulate American Democracy in Sgp. It needs a leader to change while the ruling party may fear change can cause choas. The common fear speech is multi-racial raids.

    Look at UMNO. They tried and people were optimistic when Badawi took over. Not much change and even after minorities shift their support to the opposition, things seems to remain at status quo.

    Save your breath, I think things will only changed when PAP losses more seats or the support level drop drastically. Hugh crowd at opposition rally in the last election was not reflected in the result.

    Maybe the mentality of HLP gathering is a reflection of how Singaporean behave in election. If it is not broken, why fix it?

  2. Mr Tan,

    It was reported in today's Sunday Times that you have given up contesting for president of Singapore or in the next GE.

    In fact the reporter has a sense of humour by saying that you have become President - of FISCA.

    This is indeed good news. To PAP, that is.

  3. Your have found it - point a to e.
    Those are good value of Obama Admin.

    He protects American's job market:
    - Less job for PRC !
    - Less job for SG ?

  4. Point d - Public Service

    I am sure you work closely with Late Ong Teng Cheong previously. He was a young businessman enter polity to serve the nation at $3k/mth.
    He did not have a maid at home!

    I remembered he rally the Union to protest against Sembarwang Marine Management.

    His overall performance was graded "not bad" !!!

  5. Mr. Tan,
    I am a Singaporean who has lived in USA for the past 4 yours. I must say that you have a romanticised view of American politics. Entrenched interests of industries have formed lobbies that have effectively hobbled America on reforms. Take the American automibile industry as an example. In the 1980s they successfully lobbied for not imposing strict emission standards on their vehicles, claiming that this will "hurt the Americans" by increasing the costs of each car. What eventually happened was that they were overshadowed by the Japanese car companies and are now in bankruptcy and receivership.
    Also, past American presidents have also lobbied for changes to the health care industry and have failed (President Clinton is a prime example). I will be very surprised if Congress passes a healthcare bill that is not an extremely watered down version of President Obama's healthcare vision.

  6. Hi 5:49 AM
    I hope that Obama succeeds where Clinton has failed. And that he can change the greed that has harmed USA in the past two decades. Simgapore faced the same problem with excessive greed and lack of consumer protection.

  7. Hi TKL, you are right not to take up the suggestion to be a candidate for President if you don't receive 100,000 supporting signatures.

    Nominees not supported by the Establishment will have his/her name drag through the mud for the sake of integrity in the highest office which incidentally paid a salary of $3.5 million a year for doing next to nothing. Not even a single word from P on any issues or greviances of the people thus I wonder why we need to cast votes for such a position that doesn't serve the people at all.

    Why subject yourself to a hopeless cause where the supporters are mostly invisible have to work against an Establishment that practiced management by fear, "Pay me first" and "Do as I say or else". The sad ending of Ex-President Ong is a good example.

    If the next election continue to show a consistent support for the present setup, then it is the WILL of the people. Change will only come if more parlimentary seats are won by credible opposition. As of now, the later is not impressive at all.....

  8. I am confident about myself & my own future. It is just that this country & their current leaders that I don't trust. PAP should learn from the govt of USA.

  9. I do understand where Anonymous September 14 5:49AM is coming from.

    One needs about US$100m or more to run a US presidential campaign, in order to land a job that pays about US$500k per year. Why would anyone want to do that? Where're the campaign funds going to come from? And when they come, what do they expect in return?

  10. Point b : "They are driven by what is right, good for the country and needs to be done. They do not shirk their responsibility."

    Jr Bush see Central Asia as "axil of evil".
    How many innocent children were killed by American troop?!

    Has Obama dare to withdraw American troop as promised in election campaign?
    Osama labled him as "neo-conservatism" !
