Sunday, September 13, 2009

Singapore has no future

Comment posted in my blog (edited):

It is hard to compete with "foreign talents" when Singapore men have to do National Service for two years and will be called up each year for reservist training.

The Government expects Singapore males to be supermen - tie their hands behind their back, add weight on their legs and ask them to compete with "foreign talents".

What kind of Government treat its citizens as slaves - give them no choice and no rights. Now, the Government ask "foreign talents" to be new citizens - no need for National Service until the second generation. When it is time for the second generation to do National Service, they will leave Singapore.

Singapore has NO FUTURE.


  1. All fields in Singapore are open for competition except national Service and political office. These two are reserved for Singaporeans only. Only Singaporeans are eligible.

  2. Pity the younger generation.
    But the girls are not affected.
    They can always marry the FTs.

  3. Singapore needs a strong national defence, but it can be done without expecting unfair sacrifice from Singapore men.

    I have given the following suggestions many times in the past:
    a) Depend on a professional army
    b) Reduce the training period for full time National Service men to (maybe) 1 year
    c) Pay them an adequate salary for their National Service.

  4. What is the use of NSmen?
    - Prepare for natural disater like asteriod drop on the Island. It had happened at lake Toba, Medan, Indonesia.

    - Prepare for influid of refugee

    - Prepare for political unrest at JB

    - Fight with pirate

  5. The current S'pore regular forces now stand abt 60,000. It is sufficent enough to protect Singapore on peacetime but if a war break out,it is sadly low.

    NS provide huge amount of man reserves for S'pore if war break out with any coutries and without adding enormeous financial burden to the Budget.

    Current traning period for NS men to reduce to 1 yr will put greater stress on NS boys as they need to train/learn more at a faster pace due to the short duration.imo,2yrs is perfectly fine.

    However, i agree that provideing decent and adequate salary for those serving NS.The current changes for NS men pay allowances n etc signals that the gov have start to notice the problems.

  6. I recall that in many countries, the period of compulsory military service is 1 year, or even less (like in Switzerland).

    We need to learn from the experience of other countries, instead of just looking at how Singapore approach our problem.

    We have to balance the needs of the nation with the needs of the people. We have to be fair to our own people.

    Otherwise, like the commenter said, "Singapore has no future".

  7. As a retiree, I have more worry by looking at statistic of ageing population. Will health care subsidy maintain in light of "L shape" econ movement if any?

    PSA has 20-30 ports(?) operating around the globe,what would happen if world trade volume go down next year?

    How real is PRC econ growth, noted PRC is a Communist government?

    To import more PR & new cityzen as a strategy to boost dometic econ growth. How true in reality? Yet to see.

    If 1/4 of the Island underwater due to climate change, what is the impact of our daily life?

    I have prepared my second home elsewhere.
    How about you?

  8. We have million dollars paid ministers in the cabinate refuse to solve the minibond fiasco. Instead they can give free advice to the Chinese Government. Do you think they need your advice? Chinese always behave humble. The same miniter did even give parliamentary answers when posed to him. Are the questions too technical for you to understand. If so, how you you expect the ordinary investors to understand the complexity of the investion.

  9. There is unlikely a hot war with neighbourhhod Army. If yes , it must be a failure of our

    SG had signed defence agreement and internatnal treaty with our neighbours.

  10. a tiny island which spends more as a percentage of GDP on defence compared to our neighbours. protecting what?...the assets of all the rich elites and foreigners?..hope more people gets enlightened for the next election.

  11. "Pity the younger generation.
    But the girls are not affected.
    They can always marry the FTs"


    Young couple should make more baby girls!

  12. post 2.28pm, u are lucky but not all have the resources to prepare for a second home. Plus Singapore is our home. I agreed with mr. tan that one year NS is enough as currently ut iakes one year to train our children to be a professional soildier. The second year, they serve like regulars. They shoud be paid like regulars if ns is not shortened.

  13. Rex comments as follows,

    I suspect that 2 years of NS is required because the government has no idea how to create jobs if suddenly everybody rush out to the job market after 1 year. To be fair, let us not blame the government in this regard - small country - no resources - where to find so many jobs? It's just not possible!!! So all the boys go on-hold to NS for longer, it is a bad but necessary temporary solution. Sort of like a holding-area for aeroplanes quite ready to fly but with no where to go to.

    To make matters worse, unfortunately, the government is giving the impression to citizens, that Singapore could well have 4-5 million as a stable population target for the future. The straits times recenlty carried some reports that an ang mo social scientist declared that this figure is ok and quite ideal for singapore.

    Actually i think for a small place like singapore, we will suffocate to death if you stuff it with 5 million people. They will all kill each other for jobs, for space, for money for anything. Yes, i think it is true, the red dot has no future.

  14. No jobs? Immediately reduce the inflow of foreign workers at all levels by 50% you see whether got jobs for Sporeans or not.

  15. Singapore exists and survives only because of commercial reasons. It has no mountains,valleys or river ( the ones we have are actually "longkangs".)I regard my home ( singapore) more as a business corporation, not a country. We are employees and employer all at the same time.
    In order to enjoy the luxuries that we have grown accustomed to, we need people that are willing to do jobs that we consider unsafe, underpaid or just plain unglamorous.
    Can retirees do any of these? Will our NS men do these? who will clear tables at food courts?
    Besides national defence, NS is a way for the Management ( Gov ) to delay an influx of young people into the workforce, prepare their minds to be compliant ( a great selling point to other companies to set up shop here). Our population is too small to fool around and take chances ( a chance was taken with "stop at 2 babies" and we are now paying the price.
    Having a scheme to increase our population is necessary to ensure supply of workers to fill unpleasant jobs, and to keep consumption of goods and services going. Its like instant trees that we have.
    Would anyone else learn teamwork,compliance ( albeit blindly ) in other countries that do not have NS? In Singapore's context, its useful.
    Its inconvenient, but 2 more years of academia or work will not make a great deal of difference.
    As for the females, they may have a headstart, but they do not advance in their careers as quickly as men do. Leadership can only be experienced and tested in the field. Not from textbook.
    NS is also the management ( Gov ) way of testing their pet scholars in a ready, safe structure. Its a tool for management. Any tool thats useful for management is usually useless for employees and in some cases, detrimental.
    I am a home grown singaporean. Prepare another home because this one is unsafe?unkind?. No.
    I am prepared to renovate and rebuild. Because elsewhere, I am not at home.
    Do not complain endlessly. Take action and be involved in your destiny. If not, then shut up and compete... and win with a wide margin.How?
    because you are an original SAF trained Singaporean and better than any other.

  16. "who will clear tables at food courts?"

    Why SG lazy to "Self-service" after meal.
    Visit McDonald in CA and learnn a lesson.

  17. "Do not complain endlessly. Take action and be involved in your destiny. If not, then shut up and compete... and win with a wide margin.How?"

    Agree totally. The alternative is to move to the other country that you think is better. If you don't have the skill/money to get the other country to find you valuable, that means you haven't been working hard/smart enough in life. I'll call that "Bao Ying" and that's what you deserve.

  18. I totally agree with the commenter. I have twice lost job opportunities due to reservist commitments.

    My FT colleagues are viewed as more vaulable than us Singaporean males because they don't have to serve a whole month of reservist.

    Not that i'm complaining...but its a fact here.
    We are serving the nation, but what has the nation given us in return? Increased job competition and less opportunities.

  19. REX comments as follows,
    Speaking about national service, since our nationhood concept is probably hifaluting one in accordance to official lines, i can't imagine someone willing to die for a hifaluting idea. Therefore it seems to me possible to allow NS to be completely optional, and we might as well engage a professional army like Gurkha contingent or like merceneries of old, to guard our vital installations. Those who opt in, will be handsomely paid their soldier's salary maybe $3,000++ a month. It is said that we cannot trust our national defence to external parties else we become enslaved to them for survival. but then economically already are we not already enslaved in many ways to certain regimes and already beholden to them in numerous ways? What's the difference?

    So perhaps it does make some sense to employ professionals like gurkhas (foreign talent! yes! hurrah!) Not only will we then have a more level playing field for our young men, but we would also save millions of dollars since the total numbers of soldiers will probably reduce drastically as lots of wastage will be cut. A lot of land will become available - including the entire Paya Lebar airport .. well that's one heck of a hifaluting idea i guess.

    By the way, did you know that Costa Rica is the only country in the world with no army? It's been 60 years. no problem. Just the local police is enuff. See
    And according to the Happy Planet Index, Costa Ricans are the happiest people on earth. Check it out where Singapore stands:


  20. I agree with some of the postings that we singaporeans have a habit of complaining and thinking the grass is greener on the other side. The jury is out on this.
    Frankly the first generation of leaders whether you agree or not, have taken us to where we are today, a position envied by many countries. However, the government of today in my personal opinion lacks compassion. They seem to rely and ride on performances of the past leaders and take the attitude of "father knows best so trust me". Also, old boys network in some of the organisations cannot be good due to obvious reasons. Other than family owned business, I think most large organisations do not support related family members working for the same team or in BODs. This does not make good corporate governance.
    Coupled with recent events (minibonds, too many foreign talents/workers etc..) unless the government fully comprehend the strong feelings of its citizens, they will loose more support from the masses. As someone said, the current party may win in the next 1 to 2 elections, after which, no one can predict what will happen. Unfortunately, we do not have a strong opposition party who is able to give the electorate an alternative. A silver lining though, there are now (I think) more qualified people joining the opposition so there is some hope. A 2 party parliment system will at the end of the day be better for Singapore as it provides better check and balance. The "father knows best" thinking is no longer attainable in our current society.
    Complain if you must but we must put in some effort to effect change. Lets all work towards a better and more caring Singapore.

  21. Why do Singaporean not think themselves as citizen of the world? If we are that good, we can go anywhere on earth and not restricted to Singapore. If you are really good, you have choices. If you average Joe and cannot challenge the rest of the talents for job in places you like, you can consider to stay in Singapore to build up your talent till you ready to go out to the world.

  22. Global citizenship? Do not be fooled. No such thing.Ability to work anywhere? Maybe. Do you really want to live for a year or more in London, then move to Zurich for another 3? Then move to Hong Kong for the next 2 and yet again move to Sydney? All paid by the employer that you work for? Get real. Only in the movies.
    The foreign talents that are here do jobs that may last at best 10 years. Another will take his place, and it will not be a Singaporean. It is a method to rotate as many employees from their HQ. It is very much the same when HYFLUX sends its staff to Algeria to work. Will HYFLUX employ a local Algerian to do the job? Not likely, even though there may be an Algerian that can.
    Find the passion in your job and life and fufill it. Everything else will come into focus.

  23. A demo will be sky high oil price again.

    How long can SG survive if oil maintain 1 year above US$150/berrel?

  24. MM said Oil should not exceed $110 per barrel. It short up to $147 per barrel.

    Temasek/GIC said they invested in BOA and Citi as part of the long term strategy. They sold BOA at rock bottom price saying they change strategy back to Asia.

    Govt said it is beyond their control that the economy spiral out of control as Sgp is export oriented. When the recession is over and election is near, they will said because of their handling of the recession, Singapore is growing again. And once election is over, Minister pay will raise again.

    Problems not solve will not be solve i.e.

    a) FIs collectively cheated MB investors
    b) MAS did not take responsibility on the slip up of MB products.
    c) MAS allows Securities House to practice "Execution orders only" but Securities Houses sold, market, promote, provide financial advice agressively on MB products. MAS ignore the later.
    d) dropping birth rate
    e) congested roads
    f) high cost of living
    g) potential gambling addict problems starting in 2010.
    h) most expensive Minister Salary in the world
    i) Most expensive Car in the world.
    j) Doesn't reply to petition from Singaporean even if the number is 777.

  25. "Do not complain endlessly. Take action and be involved in your destiny. "

    Agreed. And to do this you need to vote for the opposition party, instead of the PAP, instead of just bitching about it and still voting for it on the premesis that is has "proven leadership".

    "If not, then shut up and compete... and win with a wide margin."

    Compete? Not a long run solution. Mr. Tan made an excellent blog on setting up a system where we do NOT have to compete like famished animals in a cage. A system where jobs would be more fair and split, instead of having people competing like rabid dogs for a job that will overwork them till they drop dead.

    "How? because you are an original SAF trained Singaporean and better than any other."

    Looks like the mind control system of the gahmen got to you. Sigh, another victim.

  26. For the FT issue, I think we have no choice as our fierce competitor HK was the one opening up the floodgate to mainlanders first and so benefiting from the low costs. If you were old enough, you might remember Ah Chan in the HKTVB drama serial "Man in the Net" and how our migrant Ah Chan was discriminated and verbally abused by local Hong Kongers. So even Hong Kongers took a disdain to their mainland counterparts, so what happened?

    Globalisation has made China the factory of the world, and smart Hong Kongers know that they would ride the wave with the concept of "HK as frontend to the world, China (in this case Shenzhen and other southern cities of Canton) as backend", they could profit as the global service centre. Seeing how successful HK is, it is no doubt that we have to copy them so as to survive. To me, HK and us are always competiting and it is a zero sum game as we share so many common biz and a British colonial past. So what had happened to HK pple earlier, we are experiencing now. But as HK males do not need to serve NS, it means that Spore males are further marginalised.

    But after more than 30 years of growth, increasingly China wants to become service hub too. So there is an ongoing debate on the future of HK now as recently Provincial Governor of Guangdong advocates Shenzhen to become the frontend and inner cities of China to become the backend!

    I sense that once China becomes the global service hub, we are in for great competition. So if you are one that is looks at middle and long term, you might want to start to consider having an alternative plan.

  27. We need not work till we drop dead. Singaporeans get themselves into debt and blame the world for it.
    1. Why buy a car and be in debt?
    2. Why buy homes that are expensive? ( there are many vacant HDB flats in Jurong West, Yishun)
    3. Why spend money on gadgets that are useless?

    Oil price above US$150?.. sure it can be. Worry only if you own a car.
    Will SG survive if all of us give up buying cars and take MRT & buses instead?
    Will you still have S$200,000 if not for the greed of earning 6-10% from minibonds?
    Everyone thinks they can retire with 2 million.
    Everyone thinks they SHOULD have 2 million to retire.
    Spend only what you can afford.
    We eat too much, we grumble and curse, we gamble on TOTO and 4D and the stock market because we hear others make big bucks... live a simple and purposeful life and celebrate it. No need for bottles of Cos de Estournel or Davidoff coronas.
    I subscribe to Mr Tan Kin Lian's investment style: buy ETFs and ignore the market.
    buy a simple home and ignore the rest.
    buy a basic medical insurance and ignore the rest.
    In fact, I am insured for less than 100K.. let my family fend for themselves.They are capable enough. I do not intend to leave any legacy because I know I am not Khoo Teck Phuat or a Wee Cho Yaw and do not aspire to be either.

    Understand your own capabilities and capitalise on it. There is so much to do and so much to enjoy... having the latest LCD TV is not my objective.
    I ignore COMEX, I ignore the stock market, I ignore the Tourist and foreigners.
    But I recognise and celebrate relationships.
    Live. we all have one life only.

    Mind Control?.. perhaps... its still my home, where is yours?

  28. We have to stop complaining as this will lead us nowhere. The system here has been entrenced by the PAP Govt. I heard a young man said - in order to change the system, you have to destroy it first.Then start from scratch, simply, vote in the opposition, never mind one of much lesser qualification. He said this is the only way to have a complete overhaul of this slowly rotting system. I think he he is right, times have changed and we have enough of things being shoved down our throat by this arrogant Govt, who do not care about our cares and worries, and who always think they know best. The worst part is when they commit mistakes, not only they do not apologise, but use all excuses or just keep silent when they could not give an answer,just to stay put at their jobs, instead of resigning in disgrace as other politicians and civil servants do in other countries. Silence is not golden as far as politics are concerned - it breeds anger and resentment. Until there is complete change, Singapore really does not have a future.
    Look at Taiwan- many top level KMT officials have to resign in disgrace owing to slow response towards the Morakot rescue operations. What makes Singapore an exception.
    I was a staunch PAP supportor since independence. I don't think I could stay as one when I'm seeing red these last few years. I see the younger generation being alienated by this Govt. Mow I see they are alienating the older generation like me as well.

  29. Remember who said Singapore was having golden era about 18 months ago.

  30. 4.11pm: "...many top level KMT officials have to sign..."

    1975 - President Chiang (KTM) passed away.

    1980 - My first visit to Taiwan. I was warned by my Taiwan friend to caution words in public area !!!

  31. 4.11pm: "..We have to stop complaining..."

    Be empathy.
    Listen to specific case and study it.
    Young generation need guardance.
    TKL is doing such a good job.

    Why ask people to stop complaint - a communication channel?
    Do u want a North Korea here?

  32. """""Will you still have S$200,000 if not for the greed of earning 6-10% from minibonds?"""""

    Hey. Please do not make wild accussions that make people boils. Please check your facts carefully before you comment.

  33. i have posted earlier about the unfairness of NS to male citizen, surprised the government did something , that is a good step forward!!!
    reading the blog i realised we complete with HK people and malaysian intensely, seems like for average and non sensitive job we re disadvantaged by NS in some ways, yes training as commanders give us leadership skill...., but we know it dosent really counts for the employer.. more needs to be done , but really surprised the government can feel our unhappiness.Good Job!!!!

  34. Mr Tan

    There is a letter in the Forum Page on September 14 regarding an overseas youth who returned to Singapore in June 2009 for national service and whose enlistment is slated for February 2010 due to "capacity constrain" in the September/October 2009 intake.
    What is your opinion on such a case?
    I say let the youth be enlisted in September/ October 2009 lest he returns to the US and nurse a grievance against the Singapore system.


  35. happy u stay in Singapore, not happy, then go away, anyway, without YOU, make no difference, e government just have to bring in more talents, & if you are not talent, don't complain, join the 'lower class', get out of my elite face.

  36. The idea of NS is one that I support. And I went through it. The idea of foreigners or non-citizens doing NS just of the sake of "equal burden" is one that I don't support.

    It should be pride and honour for able-bodied Singaporean men to bear arms in defence of the nation. It'd be quite a security and military risk for foreigners and non-citizens to bear arms for us. For example, just for example, if Singapore is in conflict with Malaysia, and in your platoon are a few Malaysian PRs, aren't you going to wonder whether they'd shoot at the Malaysian army or you?

    That said, I think that the problem lies not in foreigners and non-citizens not serving NS. I think that the problem lies in the way that our NSmen (especially lower ranks) are treated (or even abused) till all sense of duty and pride are overwhelmed with dissent and disgust.

    The comnmanding levels, rank Major and above, are all regulars and career builders. The NSmen feel treated as career building stepping stones for them. New recruits and privates are even worse, their NCOs take it out on them.

  37. "Lack of transparency could become an issue of national or international security."

  38. 2006 - we are told "golden age for a decade"

    2008 - PM speculate possible econ future could be "V-shape, L-shape or W-shape".

    Today - PM speculate a "W-shape"

    Buddha said: "All conditioned things are impermanent" (I share this message for for religion purpose.)

    An old Chinese saying:"10 years growth on the eastshore, 10 years growth on the westshore".

    Japan had been "L-shape" for how many years?
    How much is their national debt?

    Can SG do better?

  39. finaly , PM has acknowledged citizens and NS man have been unfairly treated,it is a victory for all Today!!!it is a postive step forward

  40. I think Mindef is alienating its own citizens when it persists in its inflexibility. I am talking about those who left Singapore since young and yet return to serve - treat them kindly and with some flexibility. The chances of them returning to make Singapore their homeland will be much higher.


  42. Does it matters even if NS men were compensated accordingly during their service term? No matter what, NS men still lagged behind the others of their age by 2 years in terms of studies and working experience. How can that black hole be covered?

    Why don't they go via a incentive policy like NS men will enjoy tax reduction while the others who choose not to serve will have to pay a higher tax. Wouldn't this be more beneficial to attract more regulars to sustain the force? By doing this, at least we have a choice.
