Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Earthquake tremors in Jakarta

I was at an insurance company office in Jakarta. We discussed the underwriting loss for a branch. What was the reason?

The technical director said "earthquake, earthquake". I asked, "which earthquake and how did it caused the loss".

He said, "Can you see the office shaking? There is an earthquake now". We all decided to vacate the office and run down to the ground floor and outside the building.

This was the first time that I experienced an earthquake in my life We learned later that there was an earthquake in West Java, about 250 km from Jakarta, measuring 7.5 richter scale. This caused the tremor to be felt in Jakarta.


  1. My first experience with an earthquake, was when I was in Japan and I was staying in a Hotel in Tokyo.

    I was on the upper floor of the hotel, it was about 2-3 in the morning when it happened, my first reaction, in my mind....was " Sh.., dont tell me this room has an "unseen occupant"? :)

    I worked in Tokyo for 10 years, and during that period we will feel the ramble of an earthquake every now and then. Initially I wasnt to concern but as time went on... I did become a little more concerned.

    Then I returned to Singapore and live in a part of Singapore where whenever there is strong earthquake in Sumatra, we will feel it! I felt the 2004 Sumatra Tsunami earthquake, and it was the most unnerving experience because it lasted a good 4 mins., which was the longest I have ever experienced because in Tokyo it rarely last more than 45 secs.

  2. Insurance companies in other countries faced a greater risk of natural disasters like earthquake, tsunami, tornadoes, forest fires etc. In Singapore it is relatively calm. Are our insurance rates therefore lower to reflect the safer conditions?
