Wednesday, September 02, 2009

An open mind

Many Singaporeans have a closed mind. If they see a suggestion for a change, they will evaluate it and find many reasons why the new way will not work. With this mindset, it is difficult to make any change.

There are some Singaporeans who have an open mind, but this tends to be a minority. To have an open mind, it is necessary to observe the following:

a) Identify and understand the problem. Accept that there is a problem and the need to make a change.
b) Recognise that there are many ways to make a change. Some will not work, but other ways may work.
c) Do not decide based on theory. It is better to try it out and see the results. Even if there are problems, they can be overcomed.

I hope that more people will adopt a positive approach and be ready to make a change, working for a better outcome.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Let me preempt that with 2 suggestions.

    1. If you're working with someone else, think first about what that person need before what you need.
    2. Start small.

  2. many people wanted to cover backside so dare not make a move to change. In school, many dare not challenge and ask questions. when they grow up, its the same habit unlike the west where students are conditioned to challenge.

  3. In order for an open mind to have a positive effect, it also depends on who you are, where you are or when to have it.

    For instance if your boss does not have an open mind or is not open to suggestions, then no use having an open mind at work.

    Or you do not have the time and resources to try various ways. Maybe better to wait for a better time.

    Fight from a position of strength, not weakness, unless you are a master in the use of perception and deception.

  4. Most people dare not change because they are very comfortable & dare not come out of their comfort zone. They are afraid to try new methods or new ways of doing things. They have all the 6Cs: cash, credit card, condo, car, country club. When come to election, they will vote for garmen. Only those without the 6Cs will dare to try & dare to change because they have nothing to lose. Most people are selfish, always think of themselves first & always take but never give. Only when they lose something heavily or their love ones or when feeling hurt & painful, then will they give or ask for help.

  5. It seems natural to resist to changes.

    In school, if you asked too many questions, either you are slow or bright. The teachers do not like answering too many questions because it will affect the pace of teaching.

    In workplace, if you asked too many questions on why we need to do it or that, the boss most likely say don't know, ask you to pack up to go home or move to take over his place.

    So our environment is hardly think out of the box.
