Thursday, September 10, 2009

Future of FISCA

Someone posted an anonymous comment that FISCA would not survive two years. Although he has a negative motive (from the way that he said it), it is true that FISCA will have to face many challenges, and that there are many vested interest that wish to see it fail.

FISCA will succeed if it is able to get the support of consumers. FISCA needs financial resources to carry out its work to educate its members and look after its interest. The membership subscription of $36 will not be sufficient to meet its financial needs.

I hope that there will be supporters who are willing to make a Donation (say $50 or more) towards FISCA. Please be generous, if you wish to see FISCA succeed. You can make your donation here.


  1. Dear Mr. Tan,
    In Singapore, if there is no governmental support, it will probabaly not work. This is the reality here when the government is dominated by one party and the party's WIll would prevail. That is why despite for all the efforts that you have put in, the minibond issue remained unresolved from the perspective of many investors because the pespectives are different.
    I do not wish to discourage you but if you look at the no. of people that turned out in the last protest, you know what I mean. It is very sad but Singaporeans are just very kiasi and kiasu. This is bulit into the psyche of the people, very sad but it is the reality.

  2. To: 6:28 PM
    Negative opinion posted anonymously do not count. I believe that many people will be disgusted with your comment that they will come forward and join FISCA to make it work.

  3. The insurance agents fear FISCA will ruin their interests and therefore want to see it fail.
    They know that FISCA will expose their ruse and modus operandi to fleece the unwary and ignorant consumers.They know their days are numbered.
    What MAS is dragging its feet to do FISCA will fill the gap. FISCA will do the following.
    1. Review existing insurance policies to expose the mis-selling, conflict of interest, inappropriate recommendation and recommendation NOT on reasonable basis.
    2.Review the products and expose the hidden flaws, the ripped off and the weaknesses
    3. reveal the commission and cost and rate of return of the products.
    4.reveal product pushing agents
    5. educate the consumers and help the consumers on waht and waht not to buy.
    6.advise the consumers before they commit the consumers to sue the agents for unethical practices.

    This is what the change and the future will see that consumers are not conned by insurance agents anymore.
    This is why many insurance agents are not happy and the game is up for them, their secret is revealed and dishonesty and incompetence exposed.

    We will defend FISCA and FISCA will complement and plug up the gap where MAS is reluctant to do

  4. Yes, Mr Tan, I will make a contribution as requested,(I am already a member) and I think it is time we Singaporean get out from our comfort zone, we are not asking for a revolt But just to know that when there is a wrong it will be handled in a fair and just manner, Regardless as to who and what!

  5. Mr Tan,

    FISCA need both financial and human capital to be successful. I want to contribute my human capital by providing my expertise in reviewing, research on financial products. However, I sense FISCA hostility towards these group of people.

  6. I can help to review existing insurance polices to expose the greed , conflict of interest and the incompetence of the insurance agents, the RMs and the so called financial CON-sultants or life planners.

  7. Kin Lian,
    I know the road to success is difficult but you must soilder on. You should however be more tolerant of diversified views so that you can accomodate more people joining you. Expression of anger should be avoided especially if you want to succeed in the public and political field.

  8. To post 9.40pm, I agreed that FISCA should not be hostile towards any groups and accomodate divesity.
    Mr. Tan should slso update the membership number to proof the crtics wrong.

    David Ho

  9. I believe, the response is not meant to be 'angry' but a reminder there is no need to post the negative.
    What happens in the future comes down to us the public and the consumers, " Do we want an alternative, unbaise , fair, organisation? Or we can continue with "CASE" - :(

    Like Nike........... " Just Do It"

  10. More ppl joining means more awareness will be created. Hopefully, all those insurance companies will sit up & take note.

  11. I believe insurance companies and their agents will shiver in their pants or skirts when FISCA exposes their ruse, scam products and the conspiracy.
