Thursday, September 10, 2009

Kennedy's letter to Obama

A touching letter between two great leaders who are dedicated to public service.

... to salute your leadership in giving our country back its future and its truth.

... For me, this cause stretched across decades; it has been disappointed, but never finally defeated. It was the cause of my life.

... I learned that you will not yield to calls to retreat - that you will stay with the cause until it is won.

... you have also reminded all of us that it concerns more than material things; that what we face is above all a moral issue; that at stake are not just the details of policy, but fundamental principles of social justice and the character of our country.

... I entered public life with a young President who inspired a generation and the world. It gives me great hope that as I leave, another young President inspires another generation and once more on America's behalf inspires the entire world.


  1. This is public service. This is what service to nation is all about. And President O is only getting US$250,000 a year excluding tax. He continue to bring 300 million people together, inspire them and get things done.

    How about ours? An entry minister earns S$1,540,000 a year or $128,000 a month.


    What talent is needed if MAS cannot stand up to protect Sgp MB investors when HK SFC and Taiwan regulators can. With much lesser salary a month.

    If HK and Taiwan regulators agreed their retail investors were victimized, why MAS think otherwise? Sweeping "don't want to solve problems under the carpet" don't deserve million dollars salary. Period.

  2. I am touched by the following words "give back our country its future and its truth" and "fundamental principles of social justice and character".

    They are words spoken by a great leader. The words apply to Singapore as well. Do we have a great leader here, who can say these words?

  3. "Social justice" = Who carry the gun?

    e.g. Ex-PM Thaksin (Capitalist) was the first PM in Thailand who introduce free medical care for all the poor.

    He had managed to revive the sicked econ after 1997 financial crisis.

    His political career ended before his term of office infront of a gun Sept 1996.

  4. "give back our country its future and its truth"

    Dr Sun, the first President of Republic of China, left the similiar message before he pass away. He wanted Hong Kong from UK.

    The Qing Emperor had signed an unfair agreement to lease HK under the gun of UK !
    It take 100 years to return Hong Kong in 1997.

  5. These are dark days for my country Singapore. These are the days of weak leadership and loss of moral compass. Singapore, a nation betrayed by the men in white.
