Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama's speech to Congress about health care

Obama pushes healthcare reform plan

Full speech - 52 minutes, 26 standing ovations.


  1. Thailand - a 3rd world nation offers free medical care to its 63 million peoples.

    Thailand is a No.2 econ tiger in South East Asia after SG. Why SG as a first world nation can not do better than Thailand?

  2. Half a million resident in the north of Singapore Island has to wait 10 years or more to have an hospital.

    What is first class health care system as they claimed?

  3. First Class Minister Salary

    First Class Car Price

    First Class Regulator [MAS] - took tax payers' money and don't even lift a finger to help the MB victims.

    First Class FIDREC - only give out 0% to 25% compensation when everyone knows FIs mis-sold and mis-rep MB.

    First Class FIs - Refuse to admit fault and blame MB investors that they know the risk because they read the 200 pages prospectus.

  4. This is the government you and me selected, so who to blame!!

    We struggled and worked hard for years and decades, paid income tax without failure. The government sucked away millions from us and now we are old with poor health and the government will just abondon us as we are no longer their MONEY MAKING MACHINE... !

    I just have to blame myself to vote for such a government which do not appreciate what we did. We have been contributed our little effort to build this country to this present prosperity stage and ......why can't the government provide free health care services to a certain niche group like age 65 and above?
