Friday, November 20, 2009

Health care reform in the USA

The business and medical community is taking ads against health care reform as they wish to protect their vested interests. They are using philosophical arguments that had proved to be groundless, based on actual past experiences. Read this report.

Here are the views of 23 prominent economists.


  1. Ghim Moh ResidentNovember 21, 2009 9:32 AM

    The US government has a poor track record in running its healthcare system (Medicare) and housing (Fannie and Freddie). Why should they be successful in running the healthcare reform?

    Yes, I agree that having this healthcare reform will force private insurers out of the market. Why should the American citizens go to private insurers when they can go directly to the government.

    I truly believe that this healthcare reform will result in the US government with a huge debt burden and eventually bankrupt the government. They do not have the money to run this health care system and it’s not free. In the end, this is going to result in higher taxes for the Americans.

    Recent months we have seen the US government getting bigger in terms of finance, education and healthcare. If this is a form of socialism, then this is what?

    Just look at the link below from our own local media, channelnewsasia about UCLA tuition fees hike from USD7,788 to USD10,302 per year, a 32% hike! This article further states why there is a price hike. It is due to California being a state with massive budget deficits by the state government, massive unemployment and high home foreclosures. Poor students, when they graduate, they will graduate with a huge debt burden. So much for a start into the corporate world.

    If this is not inflation, then this is what? Inflation at a time of massive unemployment and high home foreclosures?

    We can go on and on and on.

    My view with regards to their healthcare reform is that they should stay away and let the free market work. They should only set laws and regulations to protect the average US citizens from unfair practices by private companies.

    Look at the USD and gold prices now.

    Stop the spending.

  2. I agree with free market and less regulation. As a nurse for the past 18 years, I believe in quality patient care, but over-regulation begins to increase costs. The paperwork I do has tripled, and is again in January increasing in quantity due to changes in the Medicare OASIS. We are becoming data collectors for government researchers asking hundreds of questions irrelevant to our specific patient. . . taking away time from the personal care that motivated entry into the nursing profession. The time I spend with patients given up now to paperwork has impaired the quality of care, not improved it. So we generate OASIS statistics that tell us how patients do with nurses spending 2/3 of the day filling out OASIS documentation. Patients don't need statistics as much as they need care.
