Monday, November 23, 2009

Recession and opportunity to change

The recession gives an excellent opportunity to recreate a new environment for business. Read this report. Our Government should also be thinking about change.


  1. Maybe citizens also need to think about change.

  2. MAS also must change.This is the best time to change and remove the commission of insurance products and cut the insurance agent population.
    Consumers can't afford to be fleeced by incompetent agents. MAS must enforce section 27 of the FAA to ensure fair dealing to consumers.Change..take the Obama change

  3. Mr.Tan,
    The article talked about many things for change. Which aspects are you advocating that our government should make a change?


  4. Hi David
    The willingness to make a change is the most important - to recognise that the old methods may not work - in particular, "leave it to the market", decisions made by elites and scholars.

  5. rex comments,

    :leave it to the market: is a nice way to disguise "laziness". Collect your high salaries as usual and claim "leave it to the market". When problem comes, blame it on the market, blame it on the investors, blame everyone else except yourself. That is exactly how, these fat cats swear by such terms :leave it to the market:, and continue to be well fed (iron ricebowl).

    All those out there who are in financial trouble - if you can't beat them, join them - sing the same tune, join their ranks, and enjoy life.


  6. Besides "leave it to the market", what we have recently after the Bukit Timah flood is "blame it on a freak event happened only 1 in 50yrs time" and "we can't possible plan for each and every event"!

    Well done after pocketed million of dollars from the taxpayers!!
