Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Personal budget

I need some real life examples from Singaporeans who are able to save at least 15% of their earnings, in addition to contributing to CPF: Please send your details to kinlian@gmail.com

1. Your monthly income
2. Contribution to parents
3. Essential personal expenses - e.g. travel, food, clothes
4. Repayment of loans - type and amount
5. Monthly savings
6. Balance available for holidays and other discretionary items


1. Your monthly income incluidng spouse 
2. Number of children
3. Essential personal expenses - e.g. travel, food, clothes, mobilephone
4. Repayment of loans - type and amount, e.g. house, car
5. Household expenses
6. Car or transport expenses
7. Expenses of children
8. Monthly savings
9. Balance available for holidays and other discretionary items


  1. I have received 5 replies. All of them have significant savings or more than 15% of the monthly earnings.

  2. single, PMET, under-employed

    income: $1 to 1.3k take home
    contribution to parents: zero
    food, transport, clothes: $500-600 (mainly transport, utility bills and food)

    loans: zero
    monthly savings: at least $300 to $500

    Bal available: have not gone for holiday for over 3 years, no movies for over 4 yrs

    Discretionary item: saving for a $2k laptop

  3. Under-employed PMET,

    I feel your frustration. I've been there and still am too.

    Paying for your family's utility bills is also contribution.

    For me, I also save costs by having peanut butter or jam bread for dinner. Only 1 "proper" meal for lunch which is usually $2.70 fan-cai. If you have access to hot water can also save on coffee/tea, by bringing your own 3-in-1 and mug. Or make it at home and bring to work in small thermos flask.

    Regarding your aim of a laptop, unless you have specific requirements for a high-end, a relatively good one should cost no more than $1.2K.

  4. Oh, under-employed Pmet, your savings rate is also very high -- 30+% of your take home pay!

    If you don't need so high-end laptop, you can even consider giving parents $50 or even $100. They will appreciate your efforts very much!

  5. Aldwin
    Freelance tutor 4000
    bus pass 100
    mrt 50
    cab 40
    normal lunch dinner 250(per day 7dollars no drinks order )
    insurance +unit trust(800)
    restaurants 200(max)
    entertainment 300(max)
    parents (100)
    total: 1700
    The rest money goes shares and fixed deposit

  6. Single PMET, staying alone in HDB Exec flat.

    Utilities (no air con), tax installments : $300/pm

    Daily expenses at work (5 day/wk)- (public transport, food): $15

    weekly good makan/entertainment, etc expenses :$60 to 80

    No smoking, drinking, 4D/Toto, betting.

    Total expenses < $1000 pm

  7. Single, PMET.
    Monthly Income - $4100K
    To Parents - $500
    Personal expenses - $500 - 600
    Repayment of housing loans - ~$650 thru cpf
    Monthly saving - $1500 and above

  8. $2200 take home
    $200 to parents
    $500 monthly expenses
    $500 savings
    $1000 investment fund

  9. Mr Tan, you have to take into consideration that followers of your blog are majority financially literate hence explaining the high percentage of residual income.

  10. Family for FY2009 (12 month average)

    Monthly income: 16000.00
    Saving interest: 2500.00
    Other income: 2000.00
    Children: 3
    Loan: 1660.00
    Tax: 2980.00
    Total expenses: 4200.00
    Transport: 1800.00
    Balanced saved: 11360.00

    Total saving rate: 45.34~48.10%

  11. Single, stay with mum & brother.

    Salary: SGD2900 per mth
    Parents: SGD280 (my bro also contributes)
    Expenses: around SGD540 or less per mth
    Savings: SGD1500 (automatically transfer to a bank account monthly after date of receiving salary)
