Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Possible double dip recession in USA

Watch this video giving the views of Robert Schiller.


  1. greed breeds irrational optimism

  2. Don't worry, President Obama will continue printing money and pumping it into the economy. It will be safe till the end of his presidential term. US will incur higher and higher deficit, but so what? No currency can replace the US$ for the next 10 to 20 years.

  3. Jim roger and Marc Faber ,two very successful investor also predicted the double dip either end of this year or next year and that hyper inflation will eventually occur.

  4. Double dip or not, I think life in the US and here will continue to be peaceful. Just like in 2008 when there were fears of financial collapse but things turn out very OK in 2009. In fact there was even a headline today saying some economists raising 2010 outlook. So maybe the worst is behind us.

  5. Prof. refer to the middle-term.

  6. Sorry to inform the anonymous, life in the US might not be as peaceful depending on if the US government continue to print money to save their debt problem. The effect of hyperinflation on the US today have huge repercussions and whether they will try to solve their problem by attacking china or other creditor nations is unknown.

    And the economists that raise 2010 outlook are all over optimistic and out right deluded. The monetary crisis in Europe plus the not so stellar recovery in US plus the US huge deficit problem has not been solved at all. Expect more choppy times maybe in 2011 in the US and Europe which will spread to Asia this time in a bigger whammy maybe near to 2012.
    (P.S the US and Europe are views by Marc Faber and Jim rogers both whom have correctly predicted the 2008 recession in US way back in 2006-2007)

  7. Ghim Moh ResidentMarch 11, 2010 2:10 PM

    jamesneo said...

    Totally agree with what you said. Governments just postpone the pain and in the near future, it will be an even greater crisis.

    End the Fed.

  8. If a double dip recession does occur in 2010, it would be a much more severe one, probably depression is a better word to name it.
