Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Educate the public and decision makers

The postings in my blog are intended to educate the public and the decision makers on various issues involving financial, social and economic matters affecting the future of our country, including productivity, quality of service and treatment of the public.

I believe that the decision makers are monitoring this blog and that my postings, together with the comments, will be read by them. (For example, where I have made factual errors, these have been politely corrected in my blog from knowledgeable people - posting anonymously). I have also forwarded some of these postings to the relevant decision makers. The mainstream media also took up some of these points and contacted me for more information.

Some cynical people asked, "what is the point of making complaints in this blog?" Their cynical attitude is  wrong - this is not a place for complaints, but is a place for positive contribution to educate the public and decision makers and improve the quality of life in Singapore.

There are many things that are not moving in the right direction in Singapore, as the decision makers are out of touch with the reality. I hope that this blog will help to bring these points to their attention.

For example, I have posted articles about how other countries approach their issues, especially where their approach is different from Singapore. I hope that this will allow the public and decision makers to consider the merits of the different approaches.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Thank you for doing this service for Singapore.

  2. I don't see the press take up the financial issues discussed here. Like the issues of unethical insurance agents, the commission the cause of of many fiasco and the way these agents conduct their business.
    If they fear hurting their revenue they need not be specific about the rogue companies or agents.
    Most of the times I am disappointed with press. Is it becuase there is no free press or they are beholden to somebody?
    Obviously the press is NOT for the people but for themselves and their masters same like the insurance agents who fleece the ordinary people with the blessing of their masters.

  3. Which "decision makers" are likely to come and read this blog??
    Any guess??

  4. Reply to 6:39 PM
    The press may not take up the issue of commission to insurance agents for the reason that you have stated or for other reasons.

    But they do take up other issues such as public transport and other insurance matters. I know - because they contacted me.

  5. Reply to 7:27 PM

    The trouble in Singapore is that if the decision maker is influenced by certain public opinion, they will not acknowledge it. They will decide and treat it as their decision.

    Perhaps they are paid so much that they do not wish to appear to be getting free advice.

    Anyway, it does not matter who gets the credit for the suggestion - so long as changes are made for the better.

  6. Mr Tan, you said "it does not matter who gets the credit... so long as changes are made for the better."

    This sounds logical and valid in general, but Singapore under the PAP is not a general case.

    You do know for a fact the decision makers aka the present management of Singapore are where they are today simply because they have suppressed and prevented any meaningful political competition. As long as the PAP continue to stay authoritarian, it is quite likely they will be in power for a long time to come.

    Which means we will continue to have decision makers who will make bad decisions for Singapore and Singaporeans. Because ultimately their top priority is for themselves to stay in power.

    What you are doing - helping the less-than-incompetent management - is commendable. But it is misguided and is only a stop-gap solution in the larger scheme of things.

    Because those who cannot make it must be allowed to fail and replaced, instead of letting them stay on hoping they will improve. This is not the way to treat cancer.

    In other words you are mollycoddling these people, and helping them to foster a crutch mentality. Instead the focus should be on reforming the political system.

    It is actually better to let things get worse, let the PAP screw up even more. Because only then will the masses reach their breaking point and then genuine changes for the better will come.

  7. Ref Anon 12.56am.

    Well said! Completely agree with you. I especially endorse your last paragraph:

    " It is actually better to let things get worse, let the PAP screw up even more. Because only then will the masses reach their breaking point and then genuine changes for the better will come. "

    The best forms of feedback in Singapore are:
    1. I don't know
    2. No comments.
    3. Very good idea. Please carry on.

    In response to any new government initiatives, the mentality should be "Go ahead! Make my day!" Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry style.

    There is a certain sense of poetic justice. We bring about a change in Singapore government by conducting a campaign of mass OBEDIENCE and COMPLIANCE with all the misguided policies.

    Example, Straits Times, 29 march 2010, front page headlines:

    "COE spikes not due to formula change: Lim Hwee Hua"

    The correct public response should be. "You are absolutely correct Mrs Lim Hwee Hua. Your logic and clear thinking on this matter is spot on. Please continue your efforts in this area."

    The Honourable Mrs Lim Hwee Hua is the:

    In the private sector, the designation "Special Projects Manager" is sometimes used.

  8. I think we should also promote "honest advertisement". I found that almost all advertisement that we seen everyday, are in some way cheating the consumer. Example some bank poster said this "Guaranteed interest TOTAL of 6%", so good, but when you look at the tiny words, it is not capital guaranteed, some more it does not guarantee you to get 6%, but guarantee you will get UP TO 6%. Why some company advertise saying that they are "people before profit", but in fact they spend so much money to advertise on bus, shopping centre, news paper etc. Why can't they just tell consumer the exact truth in the advertisement, why they put in some catch... Why must we "cheat" on the less educated people to make profit. If you are honest and your product is so good, people will know.

    Wish to see some changes in Singapore :)

  9. Anon 7.38am: There is a certain sense of poetic justice. We bring about a change in Singapore government by conducting a campaign of mass OBEDIENCE and COMPLIANCE with all the misguided policies.

    This has already been happening for a long time. A system that lacks accountability means good people will not step forward. People choose to disengage whenever these higher mortals open their mouths. Those who choose to engage with over zealous fervor are nothing more than sycophantic yes-men with hidden personal agenda.

  10. We learnt from history that no dynasty lasts forever no matter how strong it is. Where is the Roman Empire now? Where is the Tang dynasty now? Where is the British Empire that colonised half the world now?

    The similarity of the different era lie with the fact that it started with a strong leadership with a strong support base from the people. You can make the conclusion for yourself what is the similarity that causes those era to fall.

    You can control and rule the people with an iron fist. Once the anger of the majority of the masses is unleased that is when all hells break loose.

    A leader who lost the trust of the people, his ability to lead will be lost too.


  11. the PAP old guards has been superb, although the policies then are like a bitter pill - hard to swallow but it is to the benefit and for the well-being of the citizens.

    it is them who engineered this economical success of singapore.

    but this new generation has been worrying. dollar and cent always counts before welfare, and they always look "disgusted" when they're questioned regarding the policies that they came up with. even the answers they gave are very general and not straight to the point, in a way they forced you to accepted it - unchallenged.

    well, i'm really disappointed with their "performance", and am worried about my future here.

    a change is inevitable.
