Saturday, March 27, 2010

Expensive Telephone Charges

I received this SMS: Welcome to Tunisia. To call Singapore, dial +65phone no. Voice @$5/min. SMS S$0.60/sms. Data S$20/MB.

Wow! I called home using Skype! But if I make a mistake and accept an incoming call on my mobile phone, I have to pay this high charge. This is how business make profits - catch the unwary customer!


  1. With Skype around, it's no wonder that SingTel is becoming the SingTel Provision shop.

    I still remember those old CONsultants. "So tell me Mr CEO, what is your "core" business"?

    I still remember my Ah Beng friend who is a very successful entrepreneur. "My core business is making money lor!"

  2. Yes, we are all traders and contractor.
    We produce Zero.
    We just connect A with B
    We produce Zero.

    We make money without anything
    just match buyer with what he wants.
    We produce nothing.
    We are productive only in making money for ourselves.

  3. International roaming charges are a good example of greed and profit maximization.
