Saturday, March 27, 2010

SCMP: Bank staff arrested over minibonds


  1. See the below extract. How come all those highly paid MP cannot say something close to the statement below . . .

    "Peter Chan Kwong-yue, chairman of the Alliance of Lehman Products Victims, said the police action was "too late and small- scale". "Why are only frontline staff involved? How about banks and their management? Justice delayed is justice denied," he said. Chan said many victims had already settled their cases with banks as the investigations dragged on. "

  2. I wonder what happened to the investigation of the RMs? It must be a very big case otherwise why take so long.Or it might involve the FIs and is kind of embarassment to release the report?
    What is justice?

  3. Put them in jail togther with their CEOs and throw away the key.

  4. I believed some RMs resigned or was asked to resigned on their own.

  5. No justice in Singapore. Simple, MAS has to cover up its shortcomings, otherwise they lose face. Pricewaterhouse leaked out the news MAS was anxiously working behind the scene to push for a settlement of the liquidation of the Minibond notes. In a way Minibond investors should thank this regulator for the payouts last February, they were anxious to have a sort of closure before the Election preparations begin.
    The Minibond saga is an embarassment to this Govt which had to be settled quickly.

  6. How abt S'pore IFAs, FIs and RMs ? they are just let free as even our GAHMEN support their actions that victims bought with the eyes wide "opened" !
