Friday, March 26, 2010

Simulation game: Pro-Investor

This simulation game gives you a chance to practice on selecting the right stocks. Read this guide on how to play the simulation game.

1 comment:

  1. Mr Tan, with the baby boomers reaching their retirement age all over the world, I wonder how can stocks on average still go up in the next 5-10 years or so.

    Your generation had 5-8 kids on average? And now our birth rate is at record lows.

    If the retirees draw out even the minimum amount to sustain themselves, not counting if they fall ill, and then considering there are fewer young people entering the workforce and paying their share of taxes, how on earth can the general public still buy stocks and not lose.

    Oh yes, and the government should also reduce the numbers of foreigners coming in too. I don't suppose they contribute to taxes and so on?
