Saturday, March 27, 2010

Testimonial to my Financial Planning book

I received a wonderful testimonial from CJ. I like to invite other people who have read my book to give their views here.

Just want to say thank you, for sharing your knowledge on your blog. I am married with first baby expected to deliver on june, and i have just read your book I learnt a lot regarding the insurance that i should bought to protect my family, and the correct saving investment method, etc. Hope more people can learn from you, and do not fall into the trap ever again.


  1. Wow! Initially I tot it was Chief Justice himself...

    But it is okay, your book is indeed very informational, giving me insights into areas of personal financial which I was not aware before.

    May you continue to share with your wealth of experiences with us. =)

  2. I like to hear the views of other people who have read my books. Please share them.

  3. Hi there,

    I recently just completed reading the Financial Book and found it useful. As financial planning is not taught in school, I think the book offers a starting point for youths that just came out to work to start thinking about financial planning.

    It provides an idea of the possible traps young adults might meet while investing and buying insurances, and also how should youths go about saving for their retirement early in their working life.

    Informative, easy to read and useful. I will definitely reccommend it to my friends.


    Song Kwang

  4. Dear Kin Lian
    I just finished reading your book. Wish there was one when I was young. I am going to buy another 4 to distribute to my nephew and nieces.
    You are truly public spirited to have spent the time churning out this excellent book. It should become standard text in our schools.

  5. I know of many young people who were sold incorrect insurance and also wrong amount and later terminated them. What a waste.. If they were sold, which I doubt insurance agents would sell, term insurance and even they were wrong insurance the loss is little.
    The problem insurance agents are salesmen. They sell products and NOT Risk management device and that is why they sell products that can give them high commission.
    Also consumers have been erraneously led to think, already for a long time that insurance is about wholellife insurance or endowment. They should know that insurance is about hedging against their personal risks and there are 4 ways to manage them and insurance is ONLY one way. And to manage risk consumers NEVER think or don't know that it necessary to manage them adequately and leaving no risk unmet and all risks to be managed IMMEDIATELY and not to be postponed as always recommended by insurance agents for their own interest. In fact insurance agents can be sued for this wrongly recommending delay.
    This will leave the consumers with a time bomb. Today almost 90% of Singaporeans are walking around with a time bomb becuase of insurance agents who are incompetent, unethical and greedy and never put their clients' interest first.
    If only MAS takes a serious view of this then waste of good money will be cut down, waste caused by unqualified insurance salesmen.
    Reading Mr. Tan's book should give a correct perspective of what is insurance and what is not appropriate insurance.
