Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spend $12 and save a lot of money

Many young people are sold a life insurance policy soon after they start work. Based on the benefit illustrations that I have seen on the policies that they bought, most of them  lose over $5,000 in distribution cost and over $100,000 in deduction from their accumulated savings. This is a lot of money and will make them poorer when they need the money for retirement.

They can avoid this large financial loss by being educated. It cost them only $12 to buy my book, Practical Guide on Financial Planning. But, to really benefit from the simple tips in my books, they have to spend time to read the book (but it is quite easy and simple to read). They should also attend my talks which are organised by FISCA and the National Library.

If you have bought my book already, do tell your friends to buy it also. Do a good deed to your friend. Better still, buy the book and present it as a gift to your friend. You can help them to save a lot of money too!


  1. Nr. Tan, Can you offer the digital version so we can just pay and download.

  2. Many people prefer the hard copy version. You can order from i-shop (see the link) and we will mail it to you.

  3. Yes, you should get a copy of thsi book and attend talks by Mr. Tan. You will benefit from them. You will know who these insurance agents are and their modus operandi to push high commission products to you and how to avoid them.
    There maybe someone near you who is an agent waiting to pounce on you. Be ready to handle him or her. Don't be conned.
    Remember, any insurance agent who pushes wholelife endowment or any product that has 'saving' please know they are scams.
    Ask them for their credentials, lenght of experience, their approach to your needs before even discussing with them. If they are salesmen masqueraded as financial consultants without proper tertiary professional qualification
    report them to MAS for trying to misrepresent to you.It is a crime to misrepresent. It is cheating.
    So , be careful..Another logo you should be aware.. The 'million dollar' logo.. If you see this , no need to talk even, just run if possible. That logo tells that they have swindled many consumers to qaulify for it and consumers were conned to buy those products I mentioned above.HOw else they could qualify if not for swindling their clients selling these products?
    So, don't even talk to them, Just tell them you don't have a second to spare even to listen to the garbage and toxic.
    It will serve you well to remember what I have said.

  4. i support anonymous poster 9:56am.

    in the digital age today, e-book is the way to go. that's why kindle and similar device is popular. putting in hardcopy will not stop someone from copying or scanning for distribution.

    even our library has ebook services already.

    maybe better to do a e-book at a reasonable price and also can help save the world. also save money no need to pay printers, delivery people, copywriters, etc.

    suggest doing a poll and see what the majority wants.
