Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why do you visit my blog?

My blog receives an average of 2,400 unique visitors every day. Someone asked me what is the secret to write a blog that is actively visited?

I do not know the answer. So, I like to ask the frequent visitors to give their reasons. How often do you visit my blog and what do you look for?


  1. Hi,

    I visited your blog every morning.

    The main reasons that we look into any website/blog is that, it contain the information that we want to know and we don't know.


  2. I started reading your blog after the minibond saga begins. Nowadays I visit your blog on weekly basis just to update myself on financial knowledge although I do not invest.

  3. Mr Tan,
    I usually view your blog in the morning too. I would like to keep abreast with the financial products and info.

  4. I visit your blog few times a day to check updates and etc.

    A good blog must provide a platform which shares common interest without being felt offended through discussion among visitors.

    Thanks for the good work!

  5. REX comments as follows,

    I visit your blog several times a day.
    1. Obtain information otherwise unavailable in mainstream media.
    2. Obtain opinions from learned members of the public who frequently also posts commentaries.
    3. Get useful financial tips from articles and commentaries.

    The secret to successful blogging is
    1. Startup by already credible if possible famous personality, e.g. ex CEO who has clean record.
    2. Moderation of commentaries to exclude personal attacks.
    3. Balanced views and opinions subject to item 2 above.
    4. No sensationalism.

    Conversely any website which do not observe the above principles, will lose readership and credibility. Quality drives Quantity. It will never work the other way, some aspiring anti-establishment websites should learn this principle.


  6. So that I don't get conned by insurance agents who cannot be trusted. I didn't know much about insurance until the revelations which the agents don't disclose and the companies cover them up.
    I was shocked to read them here. At first I couldn't believe but understanding them helps a lot.When I asked my agents about this information I got from here at first they tried to defend but nowadays they admitted that the consumers have been conned for very long time and the regulator couldn't do anything and didn't want to be the whsitle blower.
    Thanks anyway. People are more aware than before.

  7. Hi Mr Tan,

    I have been with your Blog for more than 2yrs.

    I visit your Blog at least twice a day, to keep in touch with current affairs, be it Finance or other releveant day to day news.

    I do also provide my "2 cents worth".

    You have kept this Blog fair and "clean", and you present the facts. (No sabre rattling)

    If you were to run for public office, you have my vote.

  8. Mr Tan,

    I visit your blog many times a day to get myself educated on financial planning and on the any bits of news (eg. land banking).

    Financial planning should form a very important part of anyone's journey through life. Unfortunately, it is not taught in most school's curriculum and perhaps due to other immediate priorities, many people could ignore financial problems are on the horizon until those problems are right in their face. I only got interested in financial planning after going through some difficult times in my early years as a youth when my father's business failed.

    I am now a 39year old accountant and have benefited from careful financial planning from early years. My investment portfolio has grown steadily through the years and I am now looking into the future with more confidence despite all the financial turmoil (although it could have been better, but it is ok. Must not be greedy lah!).

    Have just bought 3 copies of your Practical Guide To Financial Planning to be given to my younger brothers. As it is at a good price, I do not want to save money by buying one copy and pass it around. I prefer they read the guide and have a copy with them for easy reference when they want to refresh their learnin. Spend $12, the returns will be many thousand times later. How's that for ROI? I hope they will do better than me from getting financial advice at an earlier age (they are late 20s to mid-30s). Be educated, be empowered.

  9. Mr Tan,

    I am sick of the newspapers. It is time to change.

  10. I had known your Blog address from Chinese newspaper 3 years ago.

    I enjoy reading "insider information" !

    3 years ago, I feedback with my real name.

    Later, i choose to be anonymous.

    Ha ha, I know what are you doing !

  11. Your blog covers wide range of topics that affects everybody. Very informative. I started since Minibond days. In any case thank you again for all the past supports and leadership shown during the darkest period in many investors lives, unlike those elites who did not lift a finger to help.God bless you and your family.

  12. I read your blog almost everyday since the MB saga.

    Why I visit blog:

    In the beginning, it was for update, support and detail understanding of Minibond problem.

    Now, it is for financial education i.e. your opinion of various products, people's experience and their encounter with toxic products.

    The red alert from your blog is Land Banking.

    The latest useful site you directed is "Video of Financial Education"


  13. I chanced upon your blog from the minibond outcry period, and find quick, useful information on financial and
    political and social matters, some
    info that takes the mainstream media months before they report.
    I am very disappointed with the local papers who are biased and pro
    Govt., really treating us so daft,
    they think we would not check
    their reporting against Bloomburg
    and the Financial Times.
    Hack, I was shocked that Bloomburg
    reported CIF Peter Ng of GIC took
    just three days to decide to invest
    in UBS. Networking with other readers of your blog updates on current affairs. Thanks to technology.

    Please continue with the good work,
    and thanks.

  14. I visit your blog few times a day since Hong Lim Park gathering. It provides latest information on Minibond etc. Of late there is a latest report (about 2,200 pages) on the Lehman Brother's 'fraud' committed in US. Anyone knows anything, can you share the information. I cannot find it in the Strait Times.

  15. "The Gift of Truth Excels All Gifts"

    - taught the world 2500 years ago..

  16. I look for cheap deals here. I see whether I can get something (e.g. financial advice) for free without paying for it. See whether someone can eventually give free insurance for nothing.

    For e.g., why not save paper and do an ebook and can sell cheap? People can download on their computer or kindle-like readers.

    I am unwilling to buy 3 or 4 copies to give away. That's excessive. $12 can feed someone for 3 days. There are other ways of "sharing" efficiently.

  17. You provide a candid view to issues otherwise ignored, glossed over or twisted in mainstream or alternative media.

    You provide excellent insights and unbiased analysis regarding issues from your specialised field in Insurance and Actuary.

    You allow open and transparent discussion.

  18. I visit your blog everyday.

    You give balanced views on a variety of topics.

    I learn a lot from reading your blog and it keeps my mind active.

    Thank you and God bless you.

  19. Hi Mr Tan,

    I started reading your blog in 2007. Initially it was mainly for education in insurance matters. Then I found that your coverage of other issues were very enlightening and useful too. Such as investments, social issues, economy, governance, ethics etc.

    I'll usually check your website about 2-3 times a day for updates and contributions by other readers. I think some factors for your blog's popularity are:
    1) Issues close to ordinary people e.g. insurance from ex-CEO of insurance company, investments, social issues, politics.
    2) Balanced approach (the good and the bad) and focus on facts and rational arguments.
    3) A central figure (yourself) who is respected and seen as expert on many matters being talked about.

  20. What the insurance agents don't want you to know is found here.
    I have learned a lot about the whole life and endowment products which i bought in the past but canceled them.
    I have learned that whole life whether limited payment or not they have common features.
    1.They are very poor as protection device or a saving device.
    2. being bundled they depend on each other and either one cannot go wrong.Perhaps it is deliberate to hide many things from the buyers.
    3. the policyholder is trapped for life and any early surrender results in big loss.It is very rigid.
    4.your saving is not yours until you surrender. So if you need money you have to borrow your own money for which you are charged with heavy interest rate. This is ridiculous.
    5.The saving rate is very poor
    6. the protection is too expensive
    7. the insurance agents never tell you the mortality charge goes up and up and it is charged to your cash value, therefore early or later the charge is the same according to age.Both the agents and the companies are silent on this and cannot be found in the BI.This is concealment and contravenes the FAA. (my agent told me I am paying baby 's premium even I am an old man.This is not even half truth. More lies in fact becuase the insurer steals the difference from your cash value. It is considered stealing if you are not told, right?
    8.the agent never told me I needed to have adequate protection immediately to see my family through when I am gone. They discouraged me buying term which I now know they are the products that can give the amount I need at affordable cost. The whole life gives them the big commission at my expense of protection and saving.
    9.I now know 9 out of 10 insurance agents are really not qualified and they are just salesmen.
    10.I now know that the insurance companies and the agents are in cahoot to cheat the consumers.Some companies say they put people before profit but it is not true when you examine their products and the way their insurance agents approach your needs.There is no consistency in what they say and what they do.
    I thank Mr. Tan for starting this blog. It is wealth of information. With FISCA we feel protected now than before. MAS is indifferent and looks like not only toothless but useless when it comes to helping consumers.

  21. contains useful, unbiased information

  22. A place to vent fustrations on the way the country is run!

  23. I visit your blog at least twice a day. First thing in the morning and before going to bed.
    Why? Hungry for information, I guess.
    After visiting this blog for the past two years, I dare say that I am much wiser now.

  24. Started visiting your blog when the Lehman MiniBond crisis blew up. I visit it 1-2 times daily.

    I find it very informative and useful in terms of:-

    1. Financial info presented in a easy-to-understand manner, for mass market investors.
    2. Balanced but sometimes controversial views by the bloggers.
    3. Effective blog regulation to ensure personal attacks are kept out.
    4. Contains topics on current affairs (non-financial) that every citizen should be concerned about.
    5. Presents alternative views, something that you don't see in mainstream media.
    6. Providing an opportunity to contribute and participate to nation building, without going thru the political route.

  25. Mr Tan,

    Someone send me a link to your blog 2 yrs ago and I've been reading frequently since then.

    I find most of the topic and discussion in your blog interesting and that's the main reason I visit your blog frequently.

    Keep up the good work.

  26. Mr Tan, I'm interested in financial information and products, but would I like to read down to earth opinions. And you have so much experience plus great expertise in certain areas, so your blog is enjoyable to follow.
    Plus I like to read comments from other readers (but not those who complain and whine for the sake of complaining and whining).

  27. At first I visit your blog to gain more insight on financial planning. I feel that your experience as an ex-CEO of an insurance company lends weight to your teaching.

    Later as the financial crisis came, I began to get interested on the plights of the common man in the street on how they got conned into buying all those financial rubbish and their attempt to seek redress. Your effort to help these people impressed me.

    Now, I visit your blog for a wide range of topics you regularly wrote, whether on financial planning, championing the rights of the consumer, politics etc. These are the everyday issues most of us face but seems that "those on top" have conveniently ignored.

    Well done Mr Tan and hope that you continue in your effort to maintain this wonderful blog. I, for sure, will continue to visit this place regularly.

  28. Hi,

    I visit your blog every evening. Initially was curiousity, then i enjoy reading the views from all different aspect of the financial sector and the comments from various readers too.

    Keep up the good work for the various contribution and i am also looking forward to more articles on the political arena.


  29. I prefer you do not consider public office as it will be 1 against 83. The majority of the voters preferred the current "leaders" even though they are paid many times more than the American president. Why put yourself and your family through such hardship if the majority of the voters think otherwise. Even a inside person like our ex-President, who was just trying to do his job but happen to step on Dragon's tail. I think he died a sad man after all his years sacrificing for the country.

    What's the point of joining the President race that only draws high salary but don't have any KPI at all. Worst is before you are nominated, there will be tonnes of stories about your characters. Who knows, the Singh guy who spoke against the WP nominee & potential President nominee, Andrew may just step out and present another story about you. Like you said, 100,000 votes then you will consider.

  30. Hope those salesmen and women from NTUC who are disguised as senior financial consultants or executive financial can learn from your blog to be consultants and not conmen and conwomen who peddle koyok products that harm their clients' financial future. Ya, they push and peddle and that is what they doing.

  31. MR TAN .... I read your blog because of the following features:

    1. Honesty
    2. Sound analysis
    3. Good advice
    4. Compassion

    You really have Singaporeans at your heart, and you are a true son of Singapore. From Cashew Nut.

  32. Hi Mr Tan,

    I am 28 yrs old. I read your blog because I strongly believe that you will be my President come 2012. I hope you do not disappoint me Mr President.

  33. Sigh, Uni, Poly & ITE Tuition fees increase again!!!!
    Sometimes come to think of it, you can learn more from internet than going to Poly or Uni. Mr Tan's blog is a good source of information. We can learn a lot from your blog.
    If someones guide you properly,you can learn a lot of things from the Internet.
    But you can only earn a degree or a diploma by going to Uni or Poly.
    The trouble is, after spending tons of money "upgrading", there are still many people with Phds, master degrees, degress not doing proper jobs, or even driving taxi for a living.
    Is is worth the while spend so mcuh money to earn a "paper"?? Is it a waste of time & effort. In terms of usefulness and practicality of the knowledge, you may be able to learn more from the Internet, most of them free or with very low costs.

  34. Anon 11:50 AM

    The 2,200-page Lehman Brothers report that you cannot find in the Strait Times:

    Hope his concise form helps

  35. I noted some readers asking mr tan to consider ebooks as a more efficient manner of sharing info but i have my opinion and reservations:

    1. Mr Tan is an individual and not
    a funded charity. Ebooks are convenient but unfortunately with its ease of sharing, the sharing gets too overdone and no money for mr tan to cover his costs (his website does not even have advertising);

    2. Unless the person is very poor or have no spare cash (in which case , the person may not even have a computer to read ebooks, maybe dont have extra money to pay for electricity to run a computer), it is likely he can afford to buy the book. Many people in singapore nowadays do not complain about a $20 buffet (heard recently prices of decent buffet are now usually high $20s to $40? I hv not gone to buffet for many years.)

    However, if a person is poor or financially not priviledged, I believe (and hope) the library in singapore will sooner or later have Mr Tan's books for public borrowing.

    3. Sure, there are many websites which people can find financial advice for free...but are most people (a)discerning enough to know which one to choose from (b) know what are facts and what are marketing talk?

    I hv read the draft copies of mr tan's financial planning book and found that each chapter is practical and easy to read/straight to the point. However, I later bought a few copies of the books so that i can give it to my brothers who i know want to know about financial planing but dont know where to start/what to do or just had other immediate priorities such that they will miss an opportunity to pause and reflect on financial planning for their future. One of my brothers bought a fancy investment-link fund many year back from his so-called insurance fren against my persistent advice not to buy (because the prospectus is just too complicated to understand for us). The investment suffered a big loss. Only consolation is that he invested small amount and lost only$20k which he can earn back (main thing is lesson learnt). Btw, $20k can feed for many years!! What is $12 to compare?

    Well, if information is efficient, we wont hv thousands of people who get conned every day by minibond and land banking. I am sure variations of such scam will come up later and still people will get conned. Despite being an old scam, the famous "Nigerian" scams come up every now and then, even the smart people get swindled. An enemy of humankind is "GREED" but many of us become their "FRIEND"!!

  36. I enjoy visiting your "Post a Comment" because of your readers' maturity. Let's take this page as an example. There are 2 jerks who tried to derail the positive flow of your readers' comments. Unfortunately for them, nobody took the bait.

    All the best, Mr Tan.

  37. Hi Mr. Tan,

    I was introduced to your blog, when I did my internship at your company, Tan Kin Lian & Associates, and have been following it ever since. Please continue posting your comments and advice. It was a pleasure work with you and being able to learn valuable life lessons from a quality person.

    Best Regards


  38. I think everyone loves visiting your blog and enjoy all the postings , positive or negative alike they are valuable financial tips. I know one group of people , agents and staff of ntuc, they shun to visit becuase they get truth fly in their face and it is hard to accept. But they forget they learn the truth and not some spin by their senior management.
    There is saying. The truth shall set you free.

  39. I visit your blog for viewpoints that have not been watered down to make it politically correct.

    It is said that Money and politics should never be discussed in polite company.

    Since I was not born with a silver spoon, I find that money and politics are the only things that will set me free.

  40. TKL- stand for election as independent or join a party (eg RP) in a GRC. At least you can play the role of Consumers' Association. What did Consumers' Association do in the Minibond saga? What did the PAP MP do in the fiasco?? They simply echoed you went in with the eyes open!

  41. Hi Mr. Tan,

    I visit your blog several times a day.

    Besides the much appreciated advice on financial matters, I also enjoy reading your views on various other matters.

    You drive to publish books, quizes and sell them online is very encouraging.

    Thanks for the great blog.

  42. I have found the advice given by you to be independent, direct and straight forward, not beating around the bush. In fact, some of the advice given could potentially saves us thousands of dollars! And your advice is free ! In return, I hope by buying a few items from your I-shop would show my little appreciation. Btw, I do find items available at the I-shop to be useful, especially the "Financial Planning book". Good stuff !

    Anyway, thanks, Mr Tan. Keep up the good work ! Let us know more !

  43. Your blog reminds me of the old Singapore spirit.

    - Humility
    - common sense
    - public service
    - hard nosed without being hard hearted

    - refusal to believe in our own press releases (I have personally lost count of the hubs, strategic thrusts and etc. that we have in Singapore)

    - the old Singapore believed in learning from the best practices around the world
    - the current Singapore lectures the world on how to be more like Singapore

    - I cannot believe the arrogance (delusions?)of leaders from a country of 5 million people

    - The arrogance is spreading
    I remember a letter to the Straits Times Forum. The young junior college writer used the phrase "Singapore as the centre of Asia".
    - Obviously, the writer has never seen or heard of Shanghai, Beijing, Seoul or Tokyo.

  44. Anon 11:50 AM

    The 2,200-page Lehman Brothers report that you cannot find in the Straits Times:

    Latest from the NYT:
    Lehman’s Demise, Dissected

    If u need other financial reports, just ask. No need to "pai seh"...

  45. I visited your blog to expose the insurance agents who are called senior or executive financial consultants in the company I work. These salesmen are anything but consultants. Conmen and women are more appropriate terms to describe them.
    Although there is a so called whistle blowing channel but who would use it. There is fear of non secrecy and confidentiality . There are many of us who want to report these rogue and errant agents but cannot trust the company's.This is the reason we blow the whistle here hoping the regulator read this blog.
    More importantly, the consuming public and existing policyholders will be aware of them and the company they once trusted but which, perhaps unknown to the them is no longer the company it was.
    I hope by exposing them you will have the inside information that is critical to your making any decision on the buying of the products and who these insurance agents really are.

  46. Nice things are made of simple stuff.

    I use it as "one-stop centre" to surf elsewhere. LOL.

  47. This blog is yielding result. I heard from some friends and their friends that they now avoid ntuc Revosave and vivolife for their undisclosure and untruthfullness after reading the comments in this blog..
    The problem is trusting the agents who turned out not trustworthy becuase they don't tell everything.So called friend these agents. The truth is they can't tell the truth becuase it will reveal the weaknesses in the products.But this is unfair.
    This blog is truly educational and many consumers escaped being cheated after reading Mr. Tan's and others' comments on these products that agents only want to sell and push.
    It is better than Moneysense and other seminars which are biased and the talks never cover the negative aspects of products and the salespeople who sell.WHen MAS say about making informed decision is it referring to decision made on biased information?
    This blog is balanced, the good the bad and the ugly of the products and the sellers.No pulling of punches unlike the ST Sunday on investing.Can't blame ST, got vested interest.wait no more full page ads.
    Keep it up and become alternative source .

  48. Your blog is so amusing silly though there is nothing to learn from it.

  49. Anon, March 19, 2010 5:18 PM,
    No one disagrees except you. You must be amusing(ly) silly to find this blog silly when the rest finds it amazingly amazing.

  50. Is this anona March 19, 2010 5:18 PM an agent from ntuc? He or she is certainly not amuzed by so much flak hurled on them. They must be feeling very dirty now.

  51. Anon 5:18pm

    May be you can tell us which portion(s) is amusing(ly) silly. We would like to learn from you.

  52. Anon, March 19, 2010 5:18 PM,

    Looks like your chance to "cheat" people has been reduced due to Mr Tan's Blog.

    Thank you Mr Tan

  53. Rex comments as follows,

    I suggest that we need to raise the standard of debate in Singapore.

    Not just on this blog,but in one prominent socio political website. Everytime when someone express an alternate view, you get comments like "oh yah? you are nuts? you are agent from xxx co. trying to cause trouble? blah". Some even use sarcastic, personal terms, i see it so often and dont find it amusing at all.

    In this case here, we have here someone anon 5.18 who said TKL blog is "silly". Then you see a couple of flaming comments on anon 5.18.
    There was only ONE comment which politely asks: show the proof , why is tKl blog "silly"? That is the gist of all that ever need to be said on anon 5.18's post.

    that is the way debate should be. anyone is entitled to opinion, there is nothing wrong with anon. 5.18's view per se. But it is seriously wrong if he/she does not show any proof. There is all there is to it, no need to conjecture the personal background of anon. 5.18. i dont like reading comments which make fun of others or conjecture on their background to score a point.

    Such speculations are best done privately or in kopitiam amongst friends verbally.


  54. REX,
    i disagree .. there are many ways to draw a snake out of its burrow and this snake deserves to be taunted in a manner that might draw him or her out in the open instead of allowing him or her taking sniping shots at the Mr.Tan. from inside the hole.
    There is nothing wrong with guessing too. Who would feel the heat her? Needless to say, the insurance agents, the lank banking salesmen and all other magic stone conmen and women.Most suspected insurance agents might be the ntuc agents, right? becuase their products have been severely criticised.
    Kopitiam is a public place.

  55. rex comments as follows,

    i noted the comment of 10.52 above. But i beg to differ.

    First, why i said it is meaniningless to conjecture and make comments on personal basis about those who differ from one's views, e.g. to declae that anon 5.18 must be an "ntuc agents"?

    I think the entire insurance industry is being shaken up by Mr Tan's courageous expose in this excellent blog.

    Those who are hurt... why cant it be agent from xyz co., it is not only ntuc, yes?

    Or, It could even be the government "internet brigade", mr tan makes some implications about the government from time to time, we know they are truth, and truth hurts, yes?

    So when you do something right there will always be enemies, or "snakes" as you call them rightly. Intelligent people can discern the snakes, we have better things to do then to catch snakes, they are the scum of the earth and despicable creatures. By engaging them in small talk, like taunting them, conjecturing, it serves no purpose in fact.

    As long as they could not answer to why they claimed this blog is silly, we already know that they are troublemakers, we should ignore them, that is all period.


  56. Your Blog has got the most relevant and up-to-date issues, whether current or otherwise!

    Most Topics are relevant and worth sharing!

    Honestly speaking,I now know who you are but Not knowing my MP.
