Sunday, March 21, 2010

Workers prefer job security

People are becoming "nesters,"
who prefer to stay in one career or with one employer for their entire career.

...a disconnect
between what such "nesters" want and the growing trends that are shaping the global workforce: an increasing emphasis on flexible staff and short-term employment,
more offshoring and part-time work.


  1. In the interview, if you do not have a track record of frequent salary increases, you are deemed to be a non-performer.

    This is tough for contract workers who are ... on contract

  2. If there is a recession don't expect an increment or bonus. These cannot be linked to non-performance. However, If you worked in a company for the past 10or 20 years & has stayed in the same position with no salary increase then potential employers will view you as incompetent which is more reasonable.

  3. To make matters worst "Nesters" can be swallowed by Merger & Aquisition whereby if and when their company is acquired, often they'll be the ones on the chopping block!

  4. If you read the ST Forum there is a letter referring to an unrecognised degree, you will understand why ppl prefers a stable job as holding a degree in Singapore is no guarantee to finding a job, let alone a good job.
