Tuesday, May 04, 2010

An Accountable Parliament - NSP newsletter

My friend, Goh Meng Seng, is the Secretary General of the National Solidarity Party. Meng Seng helped me in translating my speeches into Chinese at Hong Lim Park.

Meng Seng asked me to send an article for publication in the next issue of his party's newsletter. I decided to use this article. I believe that it is important for the future of Singapore to have an accountable Parliament that reflects the views of the ordinary people of Singapore.


  1. I don't know much about GMS, but he looks and sounds sincere.
    If he canvasses for votes in my area, we are willing to give him a chance. Sick and tired of this money-faced Govt, where economic growth is to make their pockets heavier with more pay.

  2. Heck, I don't even need a credible opposition candidate like Mr Goh for me to vote opposition.

    Even if Ah Meng the orang-utan is to represent the opposition, I will still vote opposition.

    After all, orang-utan just eat, sleep and shits. He will not screw the helpless people and still being paid Millions of taxpayer dollars.

  3. Haha 2.41pm, my sentiments too. At least a dog or monkey cannot hurt me but the PAP can. My vote goes to anyone who dares to run against the PAP.

  4. If ngengHEN is serious about improving the quality of education and is sincere in connecting with our young men and women, then he ought to propose inter-school JC debates on such topics :-

    "Singapore has an accountable parliament."

    "Singapore has a free and fair election system. "

    "Singapore's MSM deserves its ranking of 134."

  5. I hope more people will wake up and do not fall into this trap of looking for "good credible opposition".

    I hope these people realise that in a dictatorship, the quality of the opposition is under the control of the dictator which has many means to ensure that the opposition will remain weak.

  6. TKL, aren't u afriad publishing in an opposition news letter? Since u have retired, u should just get on with life and enjoy your golden years. Why even bother when i am sure u can get by comfortably. u really thinks will change for the better?

  7. Hi 11:16

    TKL is on to bigger things. He could get on with life, enjoy his golden years, and get by comfortably, but he chooses to do what he does.

    How about directing your question to LKY? Of course, the answer is different...

  8. Hi Anon 7:36am,
    You r speaking out of context. LKY belongs to a different league. He has the power, respect (like it anot) and will to influence how n where Singapore is heading. Gd example is our new Newater plant. Now, we can tell Malaysia to buzz off. TKL is gd, but why go towards the unknown?

  9. anon 8.33am
    depth of thinking is much worded into writing."but why go towards the unknown?" sound logic but have u forgetten how Singapore got here in the first place so u think that withou PAP some 50years or so ago,we would not have reached here?
    if you look deep enough just at our neighbours like Indon & M'sia, they have reached 'somewhere'& continue their prosperity in their own stride even Indon with much democracy after Suharto regime have rid much of the croonies & corruption..look at the great pictures!of course u need good men to be in the governmnt & willing to make good & great sacrifice.
    U can touch your heart & say that our current PM,SM, & MM deserve that huge salary?THE MOST EXPENSIVE PAID GOVERNMNT IN THE WORLD?LKY MAY BELONGS TO A DIFFERENT LEAGUE BUT HE IS A MAN ANYHOW!!did u follow the UK election & the result therein?Now for the first time a coalition govt needs to be form & BRAOVO to the bravest of Brits wanting & now having change since 1974 never have such a happening take place in a new era,2010 & are you saying they are going back "in time"?
    i strongly propose you to goolge and look,learn & comprehend the UN chartered & know your basic of rights & only with maturity comes responsible citizen willing & dare enuf to change,be changed & willing the change because if u want a mundane life,well is your choice & if this is what you want to give your next & future generation for not "going towards the unknown"i can say is pathetic & that speaks so much of Singapore education at large in the sense of 'global'awarenss.Of late, many countries have taken road to the 'unknown'& changes is not necessarily bad & again i must remind u & readers here..The governmnt is accountable to the people & not the other way round, a political party voted in form the governmnt for a term until the next election & the greater of public service is NOT BEHOLDEN to the government,rather to the people of the nation & should be impartial of any political link except of the country..such is true of democracy,such is maturity of self & nation;such is the reason for greater challenge and enjoyment of life & the purpose,such is the other reason why it pays to "go towards the unknown"?& such is why people fight & sacrifice over thousands of years since the birth of republic,of nation & of countries & "go towards the unknown"to form the world of today..hello,with the "unknown"u will not have today & are suggesting that LKY IS GOD & WILL NOT GO TO THE OTHER WORLD OF UNKNOWN?& THAT IF HE DID GO, SINGAPORE WILL DISINTEGRATE "TOWARDS THE UNKNOWN"?HOW SAD & IF THS IS SO THE STATE OF AFFAIR OF TODAY, CHANGE MUST BE DONE AND NOW TO PREPARE OURSELVES FOR THE JOURNEY TO THE"UNKNOWN" & THE CALL COULD NOT BE LOUDER THEN NOW BECAUSE SURELY & EVENTUALLY LKY ERA WILL END!!!
