Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Finder's keepers

If someone finds a valuable property, it must be sent to the Police for safe-keeping, so that the owner can claim the item. Read this letter.

The owner can also offer a reward in the Lost and Found portal here. I hope that the Police will search this portal to locate the owner and encourage the owners of lost item to report in this portal.

1 comment:

  1. KL, I wouldn'tsend it to the Police for safe-keeping.. an experience in one of the neighbour hood police posts tells me otherwise. The experience - this person found a credit card in his car. It was in the middle of the night, so he brought it to one of the neighbourhood police post. I sat down prepared to wait, as statements, etc.. will have to be taken to take note of this.

    The policeman behind the counter just took the credit card, and told this person he can go.

    I was surprised, stood up and asked why there was no statement being taken to lodge this lost item, especially since this is a credit card.

    The in-charge came out and explain that this will take time, to take the statement, and will result in taking up our time.

    My god... I told him that I was prepared to wait, and was surprised that the thought of not taking a statement by the police officer there crossed there mind.. and for an absurd reason of "taking up our time".. Since when has the SPF become so considerate of the citizens time?

    I reiterated that if they were not taking any statement that it is a waste of our time to bring it there, since the loser of the item would not be able to find it wthout any record made at the police post? and would have been better to have just thrown it away into the dustbin.

    The in-charge then appear to wake up and instructed his subordinate to take the statement.

    KL, leave it to the police for safekeeping.. I wonder... what would happen if someone was using the credit card after it has been given to the police 9since no record of this was at the police post). One cannot discount this possibility.

    Such experience leaves much doubt about our police force.
